Universität Wien

240236 VU VU topics (2015S)

Lecture Series & Workshops

Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 80 participants
Language: German



Termine im Einzelnen:
03.03.2015, 18-21 Uhr
17.03.2015, 18-21 Uhr
24.03.2015, 18-20 Uhr
14.04.2015, 18-21 Uhr
21.04.2015, 18-20 Uhr
28.04.2015, 18-20 Uhr
05.05.2015, 18-21 Uhr
19.05.2015, 18-20 Uhr
09.06.2015, 18-21 Uhr
16.06.2015, 18-21 Uhr
23.06.2015, 18-20 Uhr
Ort: Hörsaal B, AKH Campus


Aims, contents and method of the course

The Politics of Images: Representation is never innocent!
Images are never simply a reproduction of reality, representation is never innocent (Abi-Sara Machold). The title of the lecture series Bildpolitiken/Politics of Images points to the essential relation between images and power. We question, who or what is made visible in which context and in which way? This lecture series will critically analyze hegemonial regimes of representations from a queer-feminist, postcolonial and crip perspective.
How are images used to legitimize and stabilize power relations? Who claims the power to define, produce and circulate images? In which ways do images support old and new processes of normalization by structuring our perception and therefore structuring the conditions of intelligibility? What influences do images gain on the persistency of binary heteronormative gender relations, able-bodied norms and racist structures? What kinds of subversive strategies can be imagined from a perspective of gender/queer/postcolonial/disability studies?

The course provides talks and preparing sessions for the participants to deepen the particualr topics.

Assessment and permitted materials

regularly participation, presentation group, position paper of oral exam

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Examination topics

Reading list

wird zu Beginn der LV zur Verfügung gestellt

Association in the course directory

Version 2013: PM Themenfelder; VU Themenfelder I, VU Schwerpunktthema I
Version 2006: Themenfelder der Gender Studies, Fokusmodul;
EC Gender Studies: Aufbaumodul

Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:40