Universität Wien

260078 SE Language in physics classes (2011S)

3.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 26 - Physik
Continuous assessment of course work

Voranmeldung notwendig. Beschränkte Teilnehmer/innenzahl.

Anmeldung per e-mail (claudia.haagen-schuetzenhoefer@univie.ac.at) bis zum 02.03.2011.

Vorbesprechung am 03.03.2011 um 15:00 im Seminarraum 5. Stock, Währingerstraße 17.


max. 15 participants
Language: German


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

  • Thursday 03.03. 14:15 - 15:45 Seminarraum, Zi.504-506, Währinger Straße 17, 5. Stk., 1090 Wien
  • Thursday 10.03. 14:15 - 15:45 Seminarraum, Zi.504-506, Währinger Straße 17, 5. Stk., 1090 Wien
  • Thursday 17.03. 14:15 - 15:45 Seminarraum, Zi.504-506, Währinger Straße 17, 5. Stk., 1090 Wien
  • Thursday 24.03. 14:15 - 15:45 Seminarraum, Zi.504-506, Währinger Straße 17, 5. Stk., 1090 Wien
  • Thursday 31.03. 14:15 - 15:45 Seminarraum, Zi.504-506, Währinger Straße 17, 5. Stk., 1090 Wien
  • Thursday 07.04. 14:15 - 15:45 Seminarraum, Zi.504-506, Währinger Straße 17, 5. Stk., 1090 Wien
  • Thursday 14.04. 14:15 - 15:45 Seminarraum, Zi.504-506, Währinger Straße 17, 5. Stk., 1090 Wien
  • Thursday 05.05. 14:15 - 15:45 Seminarraum, Zi.504-506, Währinger Straße 17, 5. Stk., 1090 Wien
  • Thursday 12.05. 14:15 - 15:45 Seminarraum, Zi.504-506, Währinger Straße 17, 5. Stk., 1090 Wien
  • Thursday 19.05. 14:15 - 15:45 Seminarraum, Zi.504-506, Währinger Straße 17, 5. Stk., 1090 Wien
  • Thursday 26.05. 14:15 - 15:45 Seminarraum, Zi.504-506, Währinger Straße 17, 5. Stk., 1090 Wien
  • Thursday 09.06. 14:15 - 15:45 Seminarraum, Zi.504-506, Währinger Straße 17, 5. Stk., 1090 Wien
  • Thursday 16.06. 14:15 - 15:45 Seminarraum, Zi.504-506, Währinger Straße 17, 5. Stk., 1090 Wien
  • Thursday 30.06. 14:15 - 15:45 Seminarraum, Zi.504-506, Währinger Straße 17, 5. Stk., 1090 Wien


Aims, contents and method of the course

Language is a factor of crucial importance for the communication and understanding of central concepts of physics. Problems usually arise when physical concepts are communicated with language; here the encoded and decoded concept may be different or even contradicting. Everyday language often interferes with the terminology of physics and thus makes it for pupils more difficult to grasp appropriate concepts. In this seminar the importance of language for teaching is addressed and strategies for language sensitive teaching are discussed.

Assessment and permitted materials

Course with immanent character, (micro teaching)

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Discussing the relation between language and learning processes.
Discussing educational research about language and teaching/learning.
Discussing strategies of language sensitive teaching.
Analysing language in schoolbooks and lesson examples.

Examination topics

Lecture, Presentations, Analysing teaching materials and lessons.

Reading list

Leisen, J. (1998): Fachlernen und Sprachlernen im Physikunterricht. In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften-Physik, Jg. 47, H. 2, S. 5-8.
Starauschek, E. (2006): 6.1 Zur Rolle der Sprache beim Lernen von Physik. In: Mikelskis, H. F. (Hg.): Physik-Didaktik. Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor. S. 183-203.

Association in the course directory

LA-Ph232,LA-Ph71 freies Wahlfach

Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:41