Universität Wien
Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.

270005 VO Analytical Chemistry II (2024W)

4.00 ECTS (3.00 SWS), SPL 27 - Chemie

Mi. von 9:40-11:10, Do. von 10:30-11:15 im HS 1


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


Language: German



Mi. von 9:40-11:10, Do. von 10:30-11:15 im HS 1


Aims, contents and method of the course

Spectrometry: two-dimensional information, Lambert-Beer law, light source, monochromator, detector, stray light and lamp instabilities, measurement of opaque solutions, automated titrations, waveguides - evanescent field, coupling with flow injection, identification of ammonia, borate, nitrate, silicate, phosphate a.s.o.
Atomic spectroscopy: AAS - graphite tube, flame, Zeeman effect, atomisation, modifiers - matrix effects; ICP-AES - properties of plasma, dynamic range, sample preparation; applications in environmental analysis, comparison with ICP-MS;
Fluorescence: sensitivity, two dimensional techniques, quenching mechanisms; detection of oxygen, polycyclic aromatic compounds, used oils;
Photoacoustics: basic principles, depth profiles, medical applications;
FT-IR: basic principles, NIR and MIR, coupling, gas phase detection and multireflection spectroscopy, adsorption phenomena and catalysis, NIR for refuse sorting, pattern recognition;
Interfacial spectroscopy: photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS-UPS, ESCA, Auger spectroscopy,
X-ray fluorescence analysis - multielement analysis, chemical effects, matrix effects, applications: steel production, authenticity of arts products.

Contents: Fundamentals in chromatography and electrophoresis, theory and instrument setup of the most important separation methods: gas chromatography, liquid chromatography (including size exclusion, affinity and ion chromatography), capillary electrophoresis. Introduction into the theory of chromatography and electrophoresis: selectivity and efficiency. System setup of GC and LC: sample input, columns, detectors. Problem solving by GC, planar Chromatography and HPLC. Modern CE.

Contents: Mass Spectrometry - an analytical tool; instrumentation (ionization, mass analyzers, detectors, vaccuum systems); chemical structure information and fragmentation paths; data analysis; typical applications: MS coupled with separation systems (GC-MS, HPLC-MS); MS in bioanalytics and proteomics research.

Assessment and permitted materials

You need to obtain at least half the points that can be reached (36 out of 72 grading points) to pass. Each teacher prepares a questionnaire based on 24 grading points. To pass the exam you have to reach at least 10 points in each part.
Tests are graded based on the following rukes:
63,0-72,0 points --> sehr gut
54,0-62,5 points --> gut
45,0-53,5 points --> befriedigend
36,0-44,5 points --> genügend
00,0-35,5 points --> nicht genügend

De number of points to be reached for each question varies between tests, but is always given on the papers distributed.

Signing up is only allowed through uspace, as usual.

Identification: Log in with your u:account in moodle and follow the sign up instructions there.

Questions during the exam? There will be a professor available through BBB during the entire time.

Cheating: Students will confirm by accepting the exam download that they will write the exam without the help of others. There will be a check for plagiarism (turnitin) and also a request for oral recall on the exam. This can be random or considering a cheating attempt. In case of a cheating attempt this will be documented and the exam will not be graded.

If the exam is not submitted properly, the exam is negatively graded.

In case of technical problems, please send a message to the person overseeing the exam.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Theoretical fundamentals and applications of spectrometric methods

Aims: Introduction into fundamentals of high performance separation methods, especially chromatography and electrophoresis

Aims: Discussion of fundamentals of mass spectrometry, comprising physical aspects of measurements (ionization, mass analysis) as well as chemical information in the spectra.

Examination topics

Lecture based on PowerPoint-Presentations.

Reading list

M. Otto, "Analytische Chemie", VCH Weinheim; R. Kellner et al (eds.), "Analytical Chemistry", FECS Curriculum, Wiley - VCH
B. H. Budzikiewicz, "Massenspektrometrie, Eine Einführung", VCH Verlagsges.
F. Lottspeich: "Bioanalytik"

Association in the course directory

BA CH 12a, LMC A1, UF MA CH 02a

Last modified: We 04.09.2024 12:06