Universität Wien

270033 VO Organic Chemistry I (2025S)

classes of compounds

6.00 ECTS (4.00 SWS), SPL 27 - Chemie


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


Language: German

Examination dates



Currently no class schedule is known.


Aims, contents and method of the course

Students will get an overview over the substance classes and reaction patterns in Organic Chemistry, synthesis, properties and application of simple organic compounds.

The following topics will be showcased In this course:
Organic Chemistry as the area of carbon compounds, the exceptional position of carbon in the periodic table, allotropes of carbon, alkanes, alkyl halides, alcohols, amines, carbonyl compounds, derivatives of carbonic acids, resonance and tautomerism, organometallic compounds, ß-keto esters, olefines, aromatic compounds, heteroaromatic compounds, natural products of the carbohydrates, amino acids, terpenes, alkaloids and their properties and reactivity.

The basic understanding of the properties and reactivity of organic compounds will be covered during the course.

Assessment and permitted materials

written exam (120 min)
first examination date: 01.07.2025, 10:00–12:00
enrollment starts beginning of June 2025 via U:Space
preliminary second examination date: 07.10.2025, 15:00–17:00
third examination date: end of November/early December 2025
fourth examination date: mid/end of February 2026

Allowed resources:
A molecular model can be used. No other resource are allowed.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Assessment: written exam

Minimum requirement:
50% of the maximum achievable points are required to to reveive a passing grade.

The maximum number of points for the exam are 60 points.
The critera for grading follows the following marking grid:
• 1 (very good): 53.5-60 points
• 2 (good): 46-53 points
• 3 (satisfactory): 38-45.5 points
• 4 (sufficient): 30-37.5 points
• 5 (insufficient): 0-29.5 points

Examination topics

Subject matter of the examination
all topics covered during the lectures and chapters 1-11, 14-20 and 29 of the textbook "Organische Chemie - Studieren kompakt" from Paula Bruice are relevant for the exam.

Reading list

Organische Chemie - Studieren kompakt; Paula Y. Bruice; Pearson Studium 2011;
ISBN 978-3-86894-102-9
Alternativ kann auch die neuere 8. aktualisierte Auflage (August 2022), ISBN 978-3868943412 verwendet werden.

Association in the course directory

BA CH 07, UF CH 07

Last modified: Th 27.02.2025 11:07