Universität Wien
Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.

270099 VO Food Analytics I (2024W)

3.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 27 - Chemie


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


Language: German



Do, 08:00-09:30 im HS 2, ab 10.10.24


Aims, contents and method of the course

Part of Prof. Cichna-Markl: Analysis of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids; determination of traces of contaminants (mycotoxins) in food matrices (sampling, sample preparation, chromatographic methods); validation of analytical methods

Part of Dr. Jessica Walker: Aroma compound analysis (sample preparation, extraction methods, gas chromatography, qualitative and quantitative analyses, detectors, GC-MS, olfactometry, principal component analysis); Analytics of secondary plant compounds (extraction methods, fingerprint analyses, activity guided analyses, LC-MS/MS, biochemical methods)

Assessment and permitted materials

Written Exam

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Minimum requirement to pass the exam:
50% of the max. credit points of each part (two parts of 12 credit points each; thus 6 points per part)

Es können 24 Punkte für die Prüfung erreicht werden.
Der Beurteilungsmaßstab verläuft nach folgendem Punkteschema:
• 1 (sehr gut): 24 - 21 Punkte
• 2 (gut): 20,9-18 Punkte
• 3 (befriedigend): 17,9-15 Punkte
• 4 (genügend): 14,9-12 Punkte
• 5 (nicht genügend): 11,9-0 Punkte

Examination topics

Lecture; PowerPoint Slides

Reading list

Matissek: Lebensmittelanalytik, 2014, Springer Spektrum Verlag
Werner: Lehrbuch der quantitativen Analyse, 2014, Springer Spektrum Verlag
Skoog, Holler, Crouch: Instrumentelle Analytik

Association in the course directory

LMC B4, UF MA CH 02d, CH-SAS-03

Last modified: Fr 06.09.2024 10:46