270120 PR Practical Course for Bachelor Module of Chemistry Teacher Training (2024S)
Continuous assessment of course work
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Sa 03.02.2024 08:00 to Su 30.06.2024 23:59
- Deregistration possible until Su 30.06.2024 23:59
max. 50 participants
Language: German
- Lothar Brecker
- Michael Alfred Anton
- Hans Flandorfer
- Andreas Gradwohl
- Franz Jirsa
- Anja Lembens
- Angelika Menner
- Klaus Richter
- Günter Trettenhahn
Termine zum Bachelor-Praktikum werden von den Autor*innen mit den Betreuer*innen individuell vereinbart. Sowohl vor Ort als auch via Email kann der jeweilige Arbeitsstand diskutiert und problemlösend aufbereitet werden.
Im Bachelor-Seminar werden die jeweiligen Stände der Arbeit im online-Format referiert. Die Termine hierzu werden zum Semesterende festgelegt. Vorgetragen (immer in zeitgleicher Anwesenheit des Betreuers/der Betreuerin) kann nur dann, wenn empirische Daten zur Forschungsfrage bereits vorliegen!
Aims, contents and method of the course
Intensifying and applying the acquired knowledge from the previous bachelor study in a chosen special research field. Participation in research projects in the field of chemistry. Preparation of a written bachelor thesis based on the results of the elective (lab) course. The entire work is guided by an experienced researcher (supervisor).
Assessment and permitted materials
Assessment of the quality of the practical work during the bachelor thesis and of the written thesis.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
The minimum requirement is attendance and active work during the times agreed with the supervisor of the elective (lab) course. The second requirement is the submission of a written bachelor thesis.
Care, accuracy and success of the work as well as commitment, interest and initiative during the work are assessed. Furthermore, the quality of the bachelor's thesis is assessed with regard to the clarity of the presentation and the scientific quality of the data preparation.
Care, accuracy and success of the work as well as commitment, interest and initiative during the work are assessed. Furthermore, the quality of the bachelor's thesis is assessed with regard to the clarity of the presentation and the scientific quality of the data preparation.
Examination topics
Practical implementation of the individual task relating to contents from chemistry as well as preparing the written bachelor's thesis on the content and results of the individual task. All these are discussed individually with the supervisor of the elective (lab) course.
Reading list
Individually agreed upon with the supervisor of the elective (lab) course.
Association in the course directory
UF CH 19
Last modified: Mo 29.01.2024 14:26