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270121 VO Thermodynamic models and phase diagram optimization (2015W)
Blocklehrveranstaltung im November und DezemberDi. und Do. von 16.15 Uhr -17:45 im HS4
max. 50 participants
Language: German
Examination dates
Di, Do, 16:15 bis 17:45
Kleiner Hörsaal 41090, Währinger Straße 42, HalbstockBlock: 12.11.2015 bis 10.12.2015Erste Vorlesung: Do. 12.11.
Aims, contents and method of the course
The lecture gives an overview about the use of thermodynamic models for the assessment of phase diagrams. Content: The connection of thermodynamics and phase diagrams - critical assessment of experimental data - empirical and physical models - modelling of the Gibbs energy - the SGTE format for the parameterization of thermodynamic data - modelling of the concentration dependence of the thermodynamic functions in solutions - Redlich Kister polynomials - the compound energy model - phase diagram optimization: the CALPHAD method - computer programs for the calculation of phase diagrams - practical examples.
Assessment and permitted materials
oral examination
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
The students will be introduced into the basics of calculation and optimization of phase diagrams using thermodynamic models (CALPHAD method)
Examination topics
Reading list
H. L. Lukas, S. G. Fries and B. Sundman: Computational Thermodynamics: The CALPHAD Method, Cambridge University Press, 2007
Association in the course directory
MC-1, A.1
Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:41