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270128 VO Ceramic and metallic materials (2011W)
Beginn von Teil III (Phasendiagramme) am Donnerstag, 06.10.2011, 16.15 Uhr, Hörsaal 4 //Teil I: Mi 5.10 bis 14.12.: 13.45-16.30, TU Wien, Hörsaal Chemie GM5, J. Fleig //Teil II: Mo 14.11. bis 12.12. 13.00-16.00, TU Wien, Seminarraum Elektrochemie BC (Lehartrakt) EG, W.-D. Schubert / C. Edtmaier //Teil III: Di und Do, jeweils 16.15-17.45, 1. Termin Do 06.10., letzter Termin Do, 10.11; Uni Wien:
Di 11.10., 18.10.,25.10., 08.11.: Kleiner Hörsaal 4, Halbstock, Währingerstr. 42, 1090 Wien
Do 20.10., 27.10., 03.11., 10.11.: Seminarraum Analytische Chemie, 2. Stock, Währingerstr. 38, 1090 Wien
Di 11.10., 18.10.,25.10., 08.11.: Kleiner Hörsaal 4, Halbstock, Währingerstr. 42, 1090 Wien
Do 20.10., 27.10., 03.11., 10.11.: Seminarraum Analytische Chemie, 2. Stock, Währingerstr. 38, 1090 Wien
Language: German
Examination dates
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Last modified: We 19.08.2020 08:06
important ceramic materials (Al2O3, ZrO2, SiC, ZnO, MgO, BaTiO3, ferrite, AlN, and others), their crystal structure and their basic structure-property relationships;
defects in ceramics and their interrelation with properties;
consequences of the real structure for preparation, sintering, and stability/reactivity of ceramics;
properties and applications of ceramic materials: mechanical, electrical, dielectric, thermal, optical, and other properties and basic principles of material selection for application, e.g. in capacitors, varistors, magnets, ball bearings, dental prostheses, sensors, and so on.Part II: Metallic Materials, 1.5 ECTS:Important metallic materials (Fe basis, Cu-basis, light metals); technical and economic importance, survey of the market;
principles of production and purification of metals;
Richardson-Ellingham diagrams; Pourbaix diagrams; gas equilibria (reduction and oxidation, resp.);
specific properties of metallic materials; plasticity, corrosion;
most important techniques of processing and forming of metallic materials.Teil III: Phase Diagrams, 1,5 ECTSSignificance of phase diagrams; unary systems; binary systems (different types of invariant reactions); ternary systems (monovariant and invariant reactions); quaternary systems; various methods of representation