270139 VO+UE Introduction to didactics of chemistry (2014S)
Continuous assessment of course work
mittwochs, 10:00-12:00; Beginn am 05. März 2014
1090 Porzellangasse 4, Stiege 2, Seminarraum, 3. Stock.
Max. TeilnehmerInnenzahl: 20 HörerInnenBitte über Moodle anmelden!!!
1090 Porzellangasse 4, Stiege 2, Seminarraum, 3. Stock.
Max. TeilnehmerInnenzahl: 20 HörerInnenBitte über Moodle anmelden!!!
max. 20 participants
Language: German
Currently no class schedule is known.
Aims, contents and method of the course
This course gives an introduction to the fast developing science of didactics in chemisty. Several aspects e.g. Students' Preconcepts, Conceptual Change, Inquiry Learning, Educational Standards and Competences in Science, Didaktical Reconstruction and others will be discussed. The main focus is chemistry teaching and the barriers for a basic understanding of chemistry. Students will design mikro-teachings focussing on one selected area of school chemistry. Mikro-teachings will be reflected within the group.
Assessment and permitted materials
Documentation of the mikro-teaching plan, conduction of a mikro-teaching, reflective paper on the mikro-teaching considering the feedback (max 10 pages, Arial 12 pt, 1,5).
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Introduction into the basics of chemical didakticts.
Examination topics
course with active participation of the students.
Reading list
Association in the course directory
1LA-Ch 62
Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 08:55