Universität Wien

270173 VO Medicinal Radiochemistry I (2018W)

Medicinal Radiochemistry I

3.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 27 - Chemie

Vorbesprechung: 7.11. 2017, 15:30 Uhr. Tage: 7.11. , 9.11., 21.11., 23.11., 28.11., 30.11., 5.12., 12.12., 14.12. 2018 Zeit: Mi. jeweils 15.30 - 17.45 Uhr, Fr. jeweils 13.30 - 15.45 Uhr. MedUni Wien/AKH Wien, Universitätsklinik für Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin/klin. Abteilung für Nuklearmedizin, Ebene 3, Leitstelle 3L - Bibliothek


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 50 participants
Language: German

Examination dates



Vorbesprechung: 7.11. 2017, 15:30 Uhr. Tage: 7.11. , 9.11., 21.11., 23.11., 28.11., 30.11., 5.12., 12.12., 14.12. 2018 Zeit: Mi. jeweils 15.30 - 17.45 Uhr, Fr. jeweils 13.30 - 15.45 Uhr. MedUni Wien/AKH Wien, Universitätsklinik für Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin/klin. Abteilung für Nuklearmedizin, Ebene 3, Leitstelle 3L - Bibliothek


Aims, contents and method of the course

" Basics in radiochemistry, radiopharmaceutical sciences and nuclear medicine
" Preparation of radionuclides - reactor, cyclotron, radionuclide generator
" Radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostic use
" Labelling techniques in conventional nuclear medicine (SPECT)
" Labelling techniques in positron enemission tomography (PET)
" Radiopharmaceuticals for therapeutic use

Assessment and permitted materials

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

" To learn about the most important radionuclides for nuclear medicine
" To know the most important radiopharmaceuticals for nuclear medicine
" To hear about important labelling techniques for SPECT-, PET- and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals
" To understand essentials in radiopharmacological behaviour
" To understand qualtiy control of radiopharmaceuticals

Examination topics

Reading list

1. "Grundlagen der Radiochemie" von Cornelius Keller
2. "Nuclear and Radiochemistry" von Karl H. Lieser
3. "Handbook of Radiopharmaceuticals" von Michael Welch und Carol S. Redvanly
4. "Radiopharmaceuticals: in Nuclear Pharmacy and Nuclear Medicine" von Richard J., Ph.D. Kowalsky, Steven W., Ph.D. Falen
5. ETH ZÜRICH - RADIOPHARMAZEUTISCHE CHEMIE http://www.pharma.ethz.ch/institute_groups/radiopharmaceutical_science/lectures/index
6. Universität Würzburg - KURSUS DER NUKLEARMEDIZIN http://www.uni-wuerzbrug.de/nuklearmedizin/kursus/Kursus.htm

Association in the course directory

AC-4, UF MA CH 02b

Last modified: Fr 11.12.2020 00:24