Universität Wien

270294 VO Essentials in Pharmaceutical drug discovery & development (2023W)

4.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 27 - Chemie


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 40 participants
Language: German, English

Examination dates


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

Monday 06.11. 08:45 - 11:45 Seminarraum 1 Analytische Chemie 2.OG Boltzmanngasse 1
Tuesday 07.11. 08:45 - 11:45 Seminarraum 2 Währinger Straße 38 Dekanat 1. Stock
Thursday 09.11. 09:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum 1 Analytische Chemie 2.OG Boltzmanngasse 1
Friday 10.11. 09:00 - 12:00 Kleiner Hörsaal 3 Chemie Boltzmanngasse 1 HP
Monday 22.01. 09:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum 3 Organische Chemie 1OG Boltzmanngasse 1
Tuesday 23.01. 09:00 - 12:00 Kleiner Hörsaal 3 Chemie Boltzmanngasse 1 HP
Wednesday 24.01. 09:45 - 12:45 Seminarraum 2 Währinger Straße 38 Dekanat 1. Stock
Thursday 25.01. 09:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum 3 Organische Chemie 1OG Boltzmanngasse 1


Aims, contents and method of the course

Drug discovery is highly interdisciplinary drawing from Chemistry, Biology and Biophysics. We look at: 1. Drug Discovery: Drug discovery in industry & in academia ; What are the process steps in Drug discovery and Development; Classes of Drug targets; High-throughput screening and other methods to identify starting points; Assay types and characterization, Fluorenscence - essential tool in drug discovery; Chemistry and properties of fluorescent dyes; 2. Druglikeness: What drugs look like and how they act; Hit - lead - drug properties and predictions; 3. Drug development strategies: Drug classes and their development hurdles; Approaches for optimization of drug properties; Medicinal chemistry at work - examples; Thermodynamics of ligand-receptor interactions; In-vitro profiling and non-linear curve fitting; 4. Drug delivery & in-vivo profiling: Strategies for drug delivery; Preclinical in-vivo characterization of drug candidates, ADME; Clinical development; 5. Scale-up for industrial production: Process design, scale-up, methodologies; 6. Regulatory aspects and Quality systems in the pharmaceutical & food industry: Registration process, FDA & EMA, Principles of quality systems, GMP, GLP in the working environment.

Assessment and permitted materials

schriftliche Prüfung

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Ein von spezifischen Beispielen abstrahiertes Verständnis des momentanen Stands der Technik in der Wirkstoffentwicklung; Kenntnis der Vor- und Nachteile von einzelnen Ansätzen; generelles Verständnis der Eigenschaften, die einen guten Wirkstoff/einen guten Wirkstoffkandidaten auszeichnen und welche Kriterien ausschlaggebend sind.

Examination topics

Reading list

Association in the course directory

CH-CBS-07, BC-3, CHE II-3, BC-CHE II-3

Last modified: Tu 12.03.2024 14:46