Universität Wien
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280015 PR BA_ERD_12 Chemical Lab Practical (PI) (2015W)

Continuous assessment of course work

Raum: Josef Loschmidt - Hörsaal (Hörsaal II), Währingerstr. 42, 1090 Wien

Anwesenheitspflichtige Vorbesprechung, Gruppeneinteilung, Zeitplanung und Einführung in die Laborsicherheit: 01.10.15, 13:30 Uhr am Institut für Anorganische Chemie / Materialchemie, Währingerstr. 42, 1090 Wien, Josef Loschmidt - Hörsaal (Hörsaal II).

Anmeldung per UNIVIS: Mo 07.09. - Mi 30.09. 2015. Keine Nachfrist!


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 30 participants
Language: German



Mo - Fr, 13:00 - 18:00 (01.10. bis 30.10.15)
Raum: 2105, Währingerstr. 42, 1090 Wien


Aims, contents and method of the course

- Methods of separation (separation by selective dissolution or precipitation, centrifugation, complex formation, ion-exchange).
- Observation and description of chemical reactions (colour of solutions, precipitation reactions, gravimetric analysis, redox-reactions in aqueous solutions, deposition of metals, formation of gases).
- Basic operations in quantitative working (preparation of standard solutions, acid-base titration, handling of the glass electrode, emf of concentration cells, gasvolumetric method).
- Metallurgical reduction process
- Qualitative analysis of anion- and cation containing samples (specific reactions, spectroscopic identification).
- Documentation of experiments and writing of laboratory journals.
- Analysis of results (concentrations, stoichiometry, pH-value, pressure and volume).

Assessment and permitted materials

The overall grading is given by
a) the success at practical working,
b) the quality of the laboratory journals,
c) the score at the written final examination.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

- Introduction to safety precautions and basic laboratory techniques.
- Acquaintance with the most important types of reactions in chemistry.

Examination topics

- Experimental working according to given instructions (16 examples).
- Writing of short laboratory journals.

Reading list

Unterlagen werden vor Kursbeginn via Moodle zugegänglich gemacht

Mortimer; Das Basiswissen der Chemie, Thieme, 11. Auflage (2014)
Brown; Basiswissen Chemie, Pearson Studium, 1. Auflage (2014)
Riedel; Allgemeine und Anorganische Chemie; de Gruyter, 8. Auflage (2004)

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:42