Universität Wien

280324 PR PM-Prakt: Basic lab in Meteorology I (PI) (2015W)

Continuous assessment of course work


1 Nagel
2 Nagel


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
Registration information is available for each group.


Group 1

Alle Informationen (Wegskizze zum Praktikum, Kurslisten, Anleitungstexte etc.) auf unserer Homepage www.univie.ac.at/anfpra.

Univis-Anmeldung und persönliche Anmeldung bei der Vorbesprechung sind verpflichtend! Wer bei der persönlichen Anmeldung nicht anwesend ist, hat keinen Praktikumsplatz!
E-Learning (Information)
Beschränkte Teilnehmerzahl, max. 12 je Gruppe

max. 12 participants
Language: German



Räume des Anfängerpraktikums Physik
1. Gruppe: Mi 13:00-17:30, Block 07.10.15 bis 27.01.15, 2-wöchig

Aims, contents and method of the course

Training in basic experimental techniques by performing selected physics experiments including error analysis and writing documentations.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Based on the level of knowledge and skills which is achieved in the introductory physics lectures, students will enhance experimental skills and delve into several basic physics knowledge.

Examination topics

Work is divided into preparatory eLearning-phases and practical work in the labs (blended learning concept). The practical work is done in 7 units during the semester. At the end of each unit a report on the experiments has to be handed to the teachers.

Group 2

Alle Informationen (Wegskizze zum Praktikum, Kurslisten, Anleitungstexte etc.) auf unserer Homepage www.univie.ac.at/anfpra.

Univis-Anmeldung und persönliche Anmeldung bei der Vorbesprechung sind verpflichtend! Wer bei der persönlichen Anmeldung nicht anwesend ist, hat keinen Praktikumsplatz!
E-Learning (Information)
Beschränkte Teilnehmerzahl, max. 12 je Gruppe

max. 12 participants
Language: German



Räume des Anfängerpraktikums Physik
2.Gruppe: Fr., 13:00-17:30 Uhr, Block 9.10. bis 29.01., 2-wöchig

Aims, contents and method of the course

Training in basic experimental techniques by performing selected physics experiments including error analysis and writing documentations.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Based on the level of knowledge and skills which is achieved in the introductory physics lectures, students will enhance experimental skills and delve into several basic physics knowledge.

Examination topics

Work is divided into preparatory eLearning-phases and practical work in the labs (blended learning concept). The practical work is done in 7 units during the semester. At the end of each unit a report on the experiments has to be handed to the teachers.


Assessment and permitted materials

Students' preperation on the work units and the written reports are marked by the supervisors. At the end, an oral exam has to be passed. Details on www.univie.ac.at/anfpra

Reading list


Association in the course directory

Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:42