290006 PS The challenge of protracted displacement (2020S)
Refugee's everyday lives in limbo and possible durable solutions
Continuous assessment of course work
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Mo 10.02.2020 08:00 to Su 23.02.2020 23:59
- Registration is open from Tu 25.02.2020 17:00 to Th 27.02.2020 09:00
- Deregistration possible until Th 30.04.2020 23:59
max. 20 participants
Language: German
FR 24.04.2020 14.00-16.30 Konferenzraum C0520 NIG, 5. OG
FR 08.05.2020 10.00-16.30 Seminarraum 2A310 3.OG UZA II
SA 09.05.2020 09.30-13.00 Seminarraum 2A310 3.OG UZA II
FR 05.06.2020 10.00-16.30 Seminarraum 2A310 3.OG UZA II
SA 06.06.2020 09.30-13.00 Seminarraum 2A310 3.OG UZA II
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
Individual or paired oral presentations of seminar papers, individually selected seminar paper, active participation and group work.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
1. Oral presentation (with handout, slides): 30 points.
2. Individually selected empirical paper on the topic of the course: 50 points.
3. Active engagement in class discussions and group work: 20 points
1 (sehr gut) = 100-89 points
2 (gut) = 88-76 points
3 (befriedigend) = 75-63 Punkte
4 (genügend) = 62-50 points
5 (nicht genügend) = 49-0 points
2. Individually selected empirical paper on the topic of the course: 50 points.
3. Active engagement in class discussions and group work: 20 points
1 (sehr gut) = 100-89 points
2 (gut) = 88-76 points
3 (befriedigend) = 75-63 Punkte
4 (genügend) = 62-50 points
5 (nicht genügend) = 49-0 points
Examination topics
The presentations, written papers and engagement in discussions and work in small groups can started to be developed on the base of a reading list on (protracted) displacement and durable solutions that is provided by the lecturers. Individual further desk research will be necessary.
Reading list
Will be disclosed to the participants before the start of the summer term.
Association in the course directory
(MG-S4-PI.f) (MG-S6-PI.f) (MG-W5-PI) (MA UF GW 02)
Last modified: Tu 24.03.2020 10:09
(1) definitions, concepts and theories that help us to (re)conceptualize the notion of protracted displacement,
(2) historical examples and current empirical case studies that give insights into how displaced people are experiencing protractedness, and
(3) current policy frameworks at different scale levels (from state policies and interventions, to EU strategies and the Global Compact for Refugees) that try to find ‘durable solutions’ to protracted displacement.