Universität Wien

290221 PS Methods of GIS-based Data Acquisition (2021W)

4.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 29 - Geographie
Continuous assessment of course work


1 Rauscha , Moodle
2 Rauscha , Moodle


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
Registration information is available for each group.


Group 1

max. 30 participants
Language: German
LMS: Moodle



One part of the students will alternately be on site, the other part will attend the course in a digital way at home. The definite arrangement will then be announced by the course intructors probably via Moodle.

DI, 05.10.2021 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr
DI, 12.10.2021 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr
DI, 19.10.2021 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr
DI, 09.11.2021 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr
DI, 16.11.2021 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr
DI, 23.11.2021 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr
DI, 30.11.2021 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr
DI, 07.12.2021 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr
DI, 14.12.2021 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr (Reserve)
MI, 12.01.2022 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr (Reserve, MM-Lab)

Room on-site: GIS-Lab, NIG, Stiege III, 1. Stock, C109

Group 2

max. 30 participants
Language: German
LMS: Moodle



One part of the students will alternately be on site, the other part will attend the course in a digital way at home. The definite arrangement will then be announced by the course intructors probably via Moodle.

MI, 06.10.2021 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr
MI, 13.10.2021 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr
MI, 20.10.2021 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr
MI, 27.10.2021 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr
MI, 10.11.2021 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr
MI, 17.11.2021 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr
MI, 24.11.2021 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr
MI, 01.12.2021 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr
MI, 15.12.2021 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr (Reserve)
MI, 19.01.2022 - 16:30-19:00 Uhr (Reserve, MM-Lab)

Room on-site: GIS-Lab, NIG, Stiege III, 1. Stock, C109


Aims, contents and method of the course

Based on examples participants will learn how the use the often complex tools of geographic information systems by using a desktop GIS (ArcView). Focus is laid on how to prepare spatial data for the use in a GIS (e.g. create spatial data and combine the geometry and statistical data) and visualize data in a cartographic way.Alternating lecture and applied work in the GIS laboratory and via online-course. Gradually a GIS project is built with the associated data sets and finally visualized cartographically

Assessment and permitted materials

From the second unit there is at the beginning of each unit a short test.ParticipationTerm paper including practical work.Examination at the end of the semester

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

After completion of the course participants should be able to:- explain about a projection and assign one to a dataset professionally- spatially reference an image- create a spatial database and fill it with data- use mobile tools for data collection- carry out on their own and in the right way the necessary steps of data collection for a GIS project- visualize the results cartogaphically.

Examination topics

siehe Ziele und Inhalte der LV

Reading list

Tutorials und Skriptum via Moodle

Association in the course directory

(BA GG 5.1)

Last modified: Su 21.11.2021 10:49