Universität Wien

300069 VO Analytical Chemistry 3 for Biologists (2014S)

1.00 ECTS (1.00 SWS), SPL 30 - Biologie

jew. Mo. 12:00-13:00 CAvW-HS, Beginn: 03.03.2014
Ort: Carl Auer von Welsbach Hörsaal der Fakultät für Chemie, erreichbar über Währinger Straße 40 oder Boltzmanngasse 1



Aims, contents and method of the course

Fundamentals of optical spectrometry, Principles and instrumentation of UV-, IR- and fluorescence spectrometry of molecules, atomic emission and absorption spectrometry, chemiluminescence;
Fundamentals of mass spectrometry, ionization techniques, mass analyzers, fragmentation pathways, mass spectrometry of biopolymers, MS strategies in proteomics.
Evaluation: written test

Assessment and permitted materials

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

To come familiar with the fundamentals and analytical aspects of optical spectrometry and mass spectrometry.

Examination topics

Reading list

H. Budzikiewicz: "Massenspektrometrie, Eine Einführung" (Verlag Chemie); F. Lotspeich et al., "Bioanalytik" (Spectrum Verlag); Skripts of lecturers
Instrumentelle Analytik, Skoog-Leary, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York

Association in the course directory


Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:43