Universität Wien

300080 VO Symbiosis concepts and model systems (Part 2) (2020S)

3.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 30 - Biologie


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


Language: English

Examination dates



Lectures start March 6, 10.00-11.30
New Seminar Room of Microbial Ecology, old WU A5.44

Attendance of VO Symbiosis concepts and model systems (part 1)
is HIGHLY recommended!


Aims, contents and method of the course

Symbiosis is one of the driving forces in evolution. The eukaryotic cell and thus all plants, animals and fungi arose from a symbiosis between ancient prokaryotes and today, microbial symbioses dominate our planet.

This lecture series focuses on symbiotic associations between microbes and protists, plants, and animals, including humans. Introductory lectures present key concepts of symbiosis. Lectures on selected model systems illustrate the importance of symbiosis for virtually all life forms. They discuss ecological and evolutionary forces driving symbiotic associations at the molecular level. Topics of introductory lectures include definitions of symbiosis and terminology, diversity of microbial symbioses and their habitats, the eukaryotic cell and endosymbiosis theory, transmission processes, host immune response to microbial symbionts, genome evolution and lateral gene transfer, as well as current evolutionary and game theory concepts of interspecies cooperation.

Assessment and permitted materials

Update due to the Covid19 pandemy:
The exams take place as online test on Moodle.
Duration of the exam (1h) and mode (open book) remain unchanged.

Content of exam: all lecture material and literature uploaded to moodle

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Participants get familiar with our current understanding and perception of symbiotic associations. They have an overview of the molecular mechanisms shared by many symbiotic systems and possess in-depth knowledge of the presented model systems, including their ecology and evolution.

Examination topics

Due to Covid.-19 exam material will be all uploaded files and literature

Content of lectures

Reading list

Selected literature (but not transcripts or powerpoint presentations) are available online for the participants.

Association in the course directory

MBO 7, MEC-9, MES5, MMEI II-2.2, MMEI III, MZO W-2, MMB W-2, MGE III-2, UF MA BU 01, UF MA BU 04

Last modified: Fr 12.05.2023 00:23