Universität Wien

300106 UE DNA Barcoding - a new approach to species identification in ecology and biodiversity research (2018S)

Ein neuer Weg zur Artidentifikation in der Ökologie und Biodiversitätsforschung

10.00 ECTS (6.00 SWS), SPL 30 - Biologie
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 12 participants
Language: German



01.03.2018, 11-12 Uhr, Übungsraum 3, 1. OG 106
03.04.-06.04.2018, 9-18 Uhr, Übungsraum 2, 1. OG 102
09.04.-13.04.2018, 9-18 Uhr, PC Raum, 2. OG 252b
16.04.2018, 9-18 Uhr, PC Raum, 2. OG 252b
20.04.2018, 9-13 Uhr, Übungsraum 2, 1. OG 102
Department für Botanik und Biodiversitätsforschung, Rennweg 14, 1030 Wien


Aims, contents and method of the course

Aims: The participants get an introduction to the generation and analysis of DNA sequences for the species level identification (barcoding) of organisms (primarily animals and plants).
Content: The participants get an overview of the multitude of possible applications of DNA barcoding in ecological and biodiversity research as well as its limits and pitfalls in comparison to traditional morphological methods.
Methods: The participants learn all steps from DNA extraction via PCR to the final sequencing (after Sanger, chain termination method) of their samples. They acquire the knowledge to identify their sequences to the species level by comparisons with gene databases and to generate phylogenetic trees (genealogies).

Assessment and permitted materials

Compulsory attendance!
The initial meeting counts as the first teaching unit! An absence from the initial meeting without prior agreement (email!) causes the deregistration from the practical by the course leader.
Maximum times absent 1 day (8 hours) per practical week [in total 2 days (16 hours) for the whole practical] with cogent excuse (e.g. doctor's confirmation letter, mandatory attendance of other courses or exams).

The grading is based on:
Active course participation.
Final presentation of the results in a PPT presentation (15 min + 5 min discussion) on the last practical day.
Due dates for the written protocol:
First dead-line: 25. Mai 2018 (with a possibility for corrections).
Final dead-line: 22. June 2018 (no possibility for corrections).

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Minimum requirements:
To bring a lab coat for the practical (not for the initial meeting).
Basic lab experience beneficial (e.g., handling of piston stroke pipettes).
Ability for team work (usually in groups of 2).
English knowledge for literature survey.

Assessment of performance:
Participation: 15% proportion of the final grade (but mandatorily positive).
Presentation: 25% proportion of the final grade (but mandatorily positive).
Protocol: 60% proportion of the final grade (but mandatorily positive).
A negative grading of one part causes a negative grading of the whole practical.

Examination topics

No intermediate or final exam.
Presentation and protocol are to be prepared with practical content and additional literature.

Reading list

Paul D. N. Hebert, Alina Cywinska, Shelley L. Ball, Jeremy R. de Waard (2003): Biological identifications through DNA barcodes. Proceedings of the Royal Society London Series B 270, 313–321.

Alice Valentini, Francois Pompanon, Pierre Taberlet (2009): DNA barcoding for ecologists. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 24(2): 110-117.

Fupert A. Collins, Robert H. Cruickshank (2013). The seven deadly sins of DNA barcoding. Molecular Ecology Resources 13(6), 969–975.

Association in the course directory

BOE 12, BZO 12, B-BOE 12, B-BZO 12, MZO 2, B-BMB 10, B-BMG 11, B-BPB 12, B-BPF 8 , BBO 8, BMB 10, BMG 10, BPB 11, MBO 7, MEC-9, MES 5

Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:43