300135 UE Laboratory Course II - Biochemistry (2015S)
for Specialisation Microbiology/Genetics and Molecular Biology
Continuous assessment of course work
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Th 05.02.2015 08:00 to Th 19.02.2015 18:00
- Deregistration possible until Fr 27.03.2015 18:00
Registration information is available for each group.
Group 1
Vorbesprechung verpflichtend für die Übungsteilnahme:
4.3.2015, 9.15 Uhr
2 Gruppen werden in englischer Sprache abgehalten!
BZB/SR1, Dr. Bohr-Gasse 9, 1030 Wien.
Termin: 18.3. - 27.3.2015
Weitere Infos: http://molekularebiologie.univie.ac.at/
4.3.2015, 9.15 Uhr
2 Gruppen werden in englischer Sprache abgehalten!
BZB/SR1, Dr. Bohr-Gasse 9, 1030 Wien.
Termin: 18.3. - 27.3.2015
Weitere Infos: http://molekularebiologie.univie.ac.at/
max. 16 participants
Language: German
LMS: Moodle
Currently no class schedule is known.
Aims, contents and method of the course
Lab course featuring cell disruption, fractionated precipitation, protein assays, de-salting, gel filtration, ion exchange and affinity chromatography, radioactive tracer methods, enzyme assays, enzyme kinetics including inhibitor studies, SDS-gel electrophoresis, Western blotting, fractionation of membranes by density gradient centrifugation.
Group 2
Vorbesprechung verpflichtend für die Übungsteilnahme:
4.3.2015, 9.15 Uhr
BZB/SR1, Dr. Bohr-Gasse 9, 1030 Wien.
Termin: 15. - 24.4.2015die 2 - 270175 Kurs stehen auch für Biologen zur Verfügung, eigene Anmeldung Cluster ChemieWeitere Infos: http://molekularebiologie.univie.ac.at/
4.3.2015, 9.15 Uhr
BZB/SR1, Dr. Bohr-Gasse 9, 1030 Wien.
Termin: 15. - 24.4.2015die 2 - 270175 Kurs stehen auch für Biologen zur Verfügung, eigene Anmeldung Cluster ChemieWeitere Infos: http://molekularebiologie.univie.ac.at/
max. 16 participants
Language: German
LMS: Moodle
Currently no class schedule is known.
Aims, contents and method of the course
Lab course featuring cell disruption, fractionated precipitation, protein assays, de-salting, gel filtration, ion exchange and affinity chromatography, enzyme assays, enzyme kinetics including inhibitor studies, SDS-gel electrophoresis, Western blotting, fractionation of membranes by density gradient centrifugation.
Group 3
Vorbesprechung verpflichtend für die Übungsteilnahme:
4.3.2015, 9.15 Uhr
BZB, SR 1,Dr. Bohr-Gasse 9, 1030 Wien, Ebene 6
Termin: 28.4. - 8.5.2015
Weitere Infos: http://molekularebiologie.univie.ac.at/
4.3.2015, 9.15 Uhr
BZB, SR 1,Dr. Bohr-Gasse 9, 1030 Wien, Ebene 6
Termin: 28.4. - 8.5.2015
Weitere Infos: http://molekularebiologie.univie.ac.at/
max. 16 participants
Language: German
LMS: Moodle
Currently no class schedule is known.
Aims, contents and method of the course
Lab course featuring cell disruption, fractionated precipitation, protein assays, de-salting, gel filtration, ion exchange and affinity chromatography, radioactive tracer methods, enzyme assays, enzyme kinetics including inhibitor studies, SDS-gel electrophoresis, Western blotting, fractionation of membranes by density gradient centrifugation.
Assessment and permitted materials
Compulsory attendance; the evaluation consists of different performances: active participation and results obtained, written report, theoretical knowledge including final exam (the percentage of the subgrades will be announced by the course leader); each of the subgrades must have a positive evaluation.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Ziele: Vermittlung der grundlegenden Methoden zur Planung und Durchführung biochemischer Experimente.
Examination topics
Reading list
Association in the course directory
B-BMB 3, B-BMG 3
Last modified: Th 27.05.2021 00:24