Universität Wien

300146 SE Preparation for the UE Ecology & Palaeobiology of coral reefs (Red Sea) (2023S)

3.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 30 - Biologie
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 20 participants
Language: German, English



02.03. 16.30-19.30 Uhr: Introduction corals
09.03. 16.30-19.30 Uhr: Introduction echinoderms
16.03. 16.30-19.30 Uhr: Introduction molluscs
23.03. 16.30-19.30 Uhr: Introduction fish

17.04. Haus des Meeres

11.05. 16.30-19.30 Uhr: Presentations corals
25.05. 16.30-19.30 Uhr: Presentations echinoderms
01.06. 16.30-19.30 Uhr: Presentations molluscs
15.06. 16.30-19.30 Uhr: Presentations fish

Location: 2A225, UZAII, Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2, 1090 Vienna.
Topic introductions by the lecturers will be given in March, student-presentations will be given in May and June. Attendance of all classes is required.


Aims, contents and method of the course

This seminar aims to give an introduction on ecology and fauna of coral reefs, with special emphasis on the Red Sea region.
In the first units the lecturers will give an overview on the available topics. After a short introduction to coral reef zonation & biology, four major taxa of reef fauna (corals, fish, molluscs and echinoderms) will be treated. The importance of studying the composition of Pleistocene reefs for the evaluation of anthropogenic impacts on modern reefs will be explained. While global patterns will be outlined, the Red Sea region will be of particular interest.
The remaining units will be used for more specialized student presentations on the four major taxa and ecological and paleoecological aspects of coral reefs. Basic literature will be provided, students are expected to find additional relevant literature. A 20 minute presentation inclusive a 5 minute discussion and a handout are expected.
Active participation in this course is a prerequisite for the field trip to Egypt in October 2023 (winter term 2023/24).

Assessment and permitted materials

Active participation during the presentations (attendance is required), presentations and handouts will be assessed.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Attendance during the introductions and presentations is mandatory.Active participation during other presentations & discussions will account for 25% of the total grade.
Student presentations will account for 40% of the grade.
Handouts will account for 35% of the grade.

100-89% “Sehr gut”
88-76% “Gut”
75-63% “Befriedigend”
62-50% “Genügend”
<50% “Nicht Genügend”

Examination topics

Coral ecology & biology
Reef ecology
Reef fish ecology & biology
Mollusc - & Echinoderm ecology & biology

Reading list

Association in the course directory

WZB und M-WZB, MEC-9

Last modified: Th 30.11.2023 10:48