Universität Wien

300229 UE Theories and Research Paradigms in Biology education: Application in school (2023S)

4.00 ECTS (3.00 SWS), SPL 30 - Biologie
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 15 participants
Language: German



Tuesdays, 9am - 12 am or 9am - 1 pm

The face-to-face teaching takes place in the teaching-learning laboratory of the AECC Biology in the rotunda of the UZA II (room 2 H 103).
The online unit will take place asynchronously.

The seminar is taught in both German and English. Submissions can be made in English as well as in German.

1st unit: 14.03.23, 9 am - 12 am
2nd unit: 21.03.23, 9 am - 12 am
3rd unit: 28.03.23 - asynchronous
4th unit: 18.04.23, 9 am - 12 am
5th unit: 25.04.23, 9 am - 12 am
6th unit: 02.05.23, 9 am - 12 am
7th unit: 09.05.23, 9 am - 1 pm
8th unit: 16.05.23, 9 am - 1 pm
9th unit: 23.05.23, 9 am - 1 pm
10th unit: 06.06.23, 9 am - 12 am


Aims, contents and method of the course

The climate crisis is the greatest challenge facing humanity. The complexity of anthropogenic climate change is expressed not only in the observation and understanding of physical and biological facts, but also in the effects and consequences it brings with it. It is therefore all the more important that teachers provide students with comprehensive information about the climate crisis in line with their professional responsibilities. In order to develop a basis for high-quality knowledge transfer on the subject of climate change, this seminar will cover the following: 1) deepening of interdisciplinary content knowledge (ecology, climate science, climate policies, climate psychology/communication) 2) development of own lessons on climate change under guidance 3) teaching your lessons, 4) evaluation and reflection of your micro-teaching. In addition, 5) possibilities for future school projects on climate change and professional networking (e.g. Teachers for Future) will be presented.

Assessment and permitted materials

Core contributions:

*) Factsheet on one expert lecture and personal summarized statements on three further lectures.
*) Lesson plan and teaching of the planned unit (micro-teaching)
*) Final report: written reflection on the micro-teaching unit, final lesson plan, final materials, collection of further methods ("Methodenkoffer").

For a positive assessment, all core contributions must be achieved.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria


Regular attendance and active participation in the course is mandatory. Absence is only possible with a comprehensible reason (e.g. medical confirmation) and adequate informing of the lecturers.

Assessment: Very good (22-25 p.), Good (18.5-21.5 p.), Satisfactory (15-18 p.), Sufficient (12.5-14.5 p.), Not sufficient (0-12 p.)

Examination topics

See requirements on Moodle.

Reading list

Will be provided on the Moodle platform and in the units and can also be found in the presence library of the "Science Education Factory" of the AECC Biology (UZA 2, Rotunda, next to LLL)

Association in the course directory


Last modified: Mo 27.02.2023 13:09