Universität Wien

300238 VO Flora and vegetation of the Paleotropics (2011W)

focus on south east asia

3.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 30 - Biologie

http://homepage.univie.ac.at/christian.puff/StudentenInfo.htm -> link "VO-Asien" > "Details für das WS 2011/12..."


Language: German

Examination dates


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

Thursday 06.10. 09:00 - 10:00 Hörsaal (Fakultätszentrum für Biodiversität) Rennweg EG
Thursday 13.10. 09:00 - 11:00 Hörsaal (Fakultätszentrum für Biodiversität) Rennweg EG
Thursday 20.10. 09:00 - 11:00 Hörsaal (Fakultätszentrum für Biodiversität) Rennweg EG
Thursday 27.10. 09:00 - 11:00 Hörsaal (Fakultätszentrum für Biodiversität) Rennweg EG
Thursday 03.11. 09:00 - 11:00 Hörsaal (Fakultätszentrum für Biodiversität) Rennweg EG
Thursday 10.11. 09:00 - 11:00 Hörsaal (Fakultätszentrum für Biodiversität) Rennweg EG
Thursday 17.11. 09:00 - 11:00 Hörsaal (Fakultätszentrum für Biodiversität) Rennweg EG
Thursday 24.11. 09:00 - 11:00 Hörsaal (Fakultätszentrum für Biodiversität) Rennweg EG
Thursday 01.12. 09:00 - 11:00 Hörsaal (Fakultätszentrum für Biodiversität) Rennweg EG
Thursday 15.12. 09:00 - 11:00 Hörsaal (Fakultätszentrum für Biodiversität) Rennweg EG
Thursday 12.01. 09:00 - 11:00 Hörsaal (Fakultätszentrum für Biodiversität) Rennweg EG
Thursday 19.01. 09:00 - 11:00 Hörsaal (Fakultätszentrum für Biodiversität) Rennweg EG
Thursday 26.01. 09:00 - 11:00 Hörsaal (Fakultätszentrum für Biodiversität) Rennweg EG


Aims, contents and method of the course

A survey of the foras and vegetation types of Southeast Asia. An introduction to the region for participants in the Botanical Excursion to Southeast Asia during the semesterbreak 2012 (Feb. 2012).

Assessment and permitted materials

oral exam

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria


http://homepage.univie.ac.at/christian.puff/StudentenInfo.htm -> link "VO-Asien" > "Details für das WS 2011/12..."

Examination topics

Lectures; PowerPoint presentations, diskussions

Reading list

Anderson, J.A.R. 1964. The structure and development of the peat swamps of Sarawak and Brunei. - Journal of Tropical Geography 18: 7-16.
Anderson, J.A.R. 1983 The tropical peat swamps of Western Malesia. In Gore, A. J. P. (ed.): Ecosystems of the world 4B. Mires: Swamp, Bog, Fen and Moor: 181-199. - Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Andriesse, J.P. 1974. Tropical lowland peats in South-East Asia. - Dept. Agric. Res., R. Trop. Inst. Amsterdam, Commun. 63.
Ashton, P.S. 1964. Ecological studies in the mixed dipterocarp forests of Brunei. Oxford Forestsy Memoirs No. 25. - Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Ashton, P.S. 1982. Dipterocarpaceae. - In: Van Steenis, C.G.G.J. (ed), Flora Malesiana, Series I, Spermatophyta, Vol. 9: 237-325. Nijhoff / Junk, The Hague, Boston, London.
Buckley, R.C. (ed.) (1982): Ant-plant interactions in Australia. Junk, The Ha¬gue, Boston, London [Geobotany 4]. - 162 pp.
Artikel aus obigem Buch:
Buckley, R.C. (1982): Ant-plant interactions: a world review. In: Buckley, R.C. (ed.), Ant-plant interactions in Australia: 111-141. Junk, The Ha¬gue, Boston, London [Geobotany 4].
Huxley, C.H. (1982): Ant-epiphytes of Australia. In: Buckley, R.C. (ed.), Ant-plant interactions in Australia: 63-73. Junk, The Hague, Boston, London [Geobotany 4].
Coode, M.J.E., Dransfield, J., Kirkup, D.W., Forman, L.L. & Said, I.M. (eds). 1997. A checklist of the flowering plants and gymnosperms of Brunei Darussalam. - Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources, Brunei Darussalam.
Cranbrook, Earl of & Edwards, D.S. 1994. A tropical rainforest. The nature of biodiversity in Borneo at Belalong, Brunei [softcover title; hardcover title: “Belalong: a tropical rainforest”]. - The Royal Geogr. Soc. / Sun Tree Publ., London / Singapore.
Richards, P. W. 1996. The tropical Rainforest - an ecological study. 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Van Balgooy, M.M.J. 1998. Malesian seed plants. Volume 2 – Portraits of tree families. - Rijksherbarium / Hortus Botanicus, Leiden.
Vareschi, V. 1980. Vegetationsökologie der Tropen. Ulmer, Stuttgart.
Whitmore, T. C., 1990. An introduction to tropical rain forests. - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Wong, K.M. & Kamariah, A.S. (eds). 1999. Forests and trees of Brunei Darussalam. - Univ. Brunei Darussalam / Brunei Forestry Dept. / Brunei Shell, Brunei Darussalam.
Bailes, C., 1985: Kinabalu - mountain of contrasts. - Kew Mag. 2: 273-284.
Barkman, T. J., Repin, R., Beaman, R. S., Beaman, J. H., 1998: A biogeographic analysis of orchid distributions on Mt Kinabalu. - In Dransfield, J., Coode, M. J. E., Simpson, D. A. (Eds): Plant diversity in Malesia III. Proceedings of the third international Flora Malesiana Symposium 1995, pp. 25-40. - Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens.
Beaman, J. H., Beaman, R. S., 1990: Diversity and distribution patterns in the flora of Mount Kinabalu. - In Baas, P., Kalkman, K., Geesink, R. (Eds): Plant diversity of Malesia, pp. 147-160. - Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Beaman, J. H., Beaman, R. S., Anderson, C., 1998: Botanical inventory of Mt Kinabalu: a progress report. - In Dransfield, J., Coode, M. J. E., Simpson, D. A. (Eds): Plant diversity in Malesia III. Proceedings of the third international Flora Malesiana Symposium 1995, pp. 41-50. - Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens.
Beccari, O. 1904. Wanderings in the great forests of Borneo (transl. E. H. Giglioli). - London.
Brünig, E.F. 1968. Der Heidewald von Sarawak und Brunei (2 Bände). - Mitt. Bundesforschungsanstalt Forst- u. Holzwirtsch. 68. - Wiedebusch, Hamburg.
Brünig, E.F. 1991. Kerangas and Kerapah forests of Sarawak. - In: Kiew, R. (ed), The state of nature conservation in Malaysia: 29-238. Malayan Nature Soc., Kuala Lumpur.
Campbell, D.G. & Hammond, H.D. (eds). 1989: Floristic inventory of tropical countries: The status of plant systematics, collections, and vegetation, plus recommentations for the future. - Bronx, New York: New York Botanical Garden.
Clarke, C. 1997. Nepenthes of Borneo. - Natural History Publications, Kota Kinabalu.
Corner, E.J.H. 1988: Wayside Trees of Malaya, vol. 1 & 2. Ed. 3. - Kuala Lumpur: Malayan Nature Soc.
Cranbrook, Earl of & Edwards, D.S. 1994. A tropical rainforest. The nature of biodiversity in Borneo at Belalong, Brunei [softcover title; hardcover title: “Belalong: a tropical rainforest”]. - The Royal Geogr. Soc. / Sun Tree Publ., London / Singapore.
Cranbrook, Earl of & Edwards, D.S. 1994. A tropical rainforest. The nature of biodiversity in Borneo at Belalong, Brunei [softcover title; hardcover title: “Belalong: a tropical rainforest”]. - The Royal Geogr. Soc. / Sun Tree Publ., London / Singapore.
Dransfield, J. 1997. The rattans of Brunei Darussalam. - Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources, Brunei Darus¬salam.
Flora Malesiana, Series I, Spermatophyta. 1948 –
Flora of Thailand. 1970 –
Hirschmann, W. 2001. Mangroven, unter spezieller Bezugnahme auf Borneo und Brunei. - In: Puff, C. (ed), Mission Brunei 2000. Bericht über die botanische Exkursion nach Brunei im Februar 2000: 75-86. Institut f. Botanik, Univ. Wien.
Hülber, K. 2001. 1.6. Kerangas (Heath Forests, Heidewälder) von Brunei und Sarawak. - In: Puff, C. (ed), Mission Brunei 2000. Bericht über die botanische Exkursion nach Brunei im Februar 2000: 51-61. Institut f. Botanik, Univ. Wien.
Huxley, C.R. & Jebb, M.H.P. 1993. The tuberous epiphytes of the Rubiaceae 5: a revision of Myrmecodia. - Blumea 37: 271-334.
Huxley, C.R. (1978): The ant-plants Myrmecodia and Hydnophytum (Rubiaceae), and the relationships between their morphology, ant occupants, physiology and ecology. New Phytologist 80: 231-268.
Jacobs, M. 1988. The tropical rain forest. A first encounter. - Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
Jacobs, M. 1988. The tropical rain forest. A first encounter. - Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
Jacobson, S. K., 1986: Kinabalu Park. - Sabah Parks Publ. 7: 1-66.
Janzen, D.H. 1974. Epiphytic myrmecophytes in Sarawak: mutualism through the feeding of plants by ants. - Biotropica 6: 237-259.
Jolivet, P. 1996. Ants and plants, an example of coevolution. - Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
Juncosa, A.M. 1982. Developmental morphology of the embryo and seedling of Rhizophora mangle L. (Rhizophoraceae). – Am. J. Bot. 69: 1599-1611.
Juniper, B. E., Robins, R.J. & Joel, D. 1989. The Carnivorous Plants. - Academic Press, London.
Kipp-Goller, A. 1940. Über Bau und Entwicklung der viviparen Mangrovekeimlinge. – Z. Bot. 35: 1-40.
Kitayama, K., 1991: Vegetation of Mount Kinabalu Park, Sabah, Malaysia. Map of physiognomically classified vegetation, scale 1 : 100 000. - East-West Center, Honolulu: Project Paper, Protected Area and Biodiversity, Environment and Policy Inst.
Kitayama, K., 1992: An altitudinal transect study of the vegetation on mount Kinabalu, Borneo. - Vegetatio 102: 149-171.
Kurata, S., 1976: Nepenthes of Kinabalu. - Sabah Parks Publ. 2: 1-80.
Madani, L. & Wong, K.M. 1995. Rhizophoraceae. - In: Soepadmo, E. & Wong, K.M. (eds), Tree flora of Sabah and Sarawak, Vol. 1: 321-350. Sabah For. Dept., Forest Res. Inst. Malaysia, Sarawak For. Dept.
Maschwitz, U., Fiala, B. & Linsenmair, K.E. 1994. Clerodendrum fistulosum (Verbenaceae), an unspecific myrmecophyte from Borneo with spontaneously opening domatia. - Blumea 39: 143-150.
Nagl, A. 2001. 1.7. Peat Swamp Forest und Süßwasserwälder. . - In: Puff, C. (ed), Mission Brunei 2000. Bericht über die botanische Exkursion nach Brunei im Februar 2000: 63-74. Institut f. Botanik, Univ. Wien.
Popp, M. 1991. Mangroven - Wälder der Gezeitenzonen in Tropen und Subtropen. - Praxis der Naturwissenschaften 2/40: 16-22.
Potonie, H. & Koorders, S.H. 1909. Sumpfflachmoornatur der Moore des Produktiven Karbons. – Jarhb. Kgl. Preuss. Geol. Landesanstalt 30.
Puff, C. & Rohrhofer, U. 1993. The character states and taxonomic position of the monotypic mangrove genus Scyph¬iphora (Rubiaceae). In: Robbrecht, E.: Advances in Rubiaceae Macrosystematics. - Opera Bot. Belg. 6: 143-172
Rubeli, K. 1986: Tropical rain forest in South-East Asia. - Kuala Lumpur: Tropical Press Sdn. Bhd.
Sato, T., 1985: A vegetational sketch of Mt. Kinabalu. - Tukar-Menukar 4: 19-29.
Smith, J. M. B., 1970: Herbaceous plant communities in the summit zone of Mount Kinabalu. - Malayan Nat. J. 24: 16-29.
Smith, J. M. B., 1980: The vegetation of the summit zone of Mount Kinabalu. - New Phytol. 84: 547-573.
Soepadmo, E. & Wong, K.M. (ed.) 1995, 1995. Tree flora of Sabah and Sarawak, Vol. 1&2. - Sabah For. Dept., Forest Res. Inst. Malaysia, Sarawak For. Dept.
Tomlinson, P. B., 1986: The botany of mangroves. - Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Van Steenis, C. G. G. J., 1965: Plant geography of the mountain flora of Mt. Kinabalu. - Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. B (Biol. sci. ), 161: 7-38.
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Whitmore, T.C. (ed.) 1987: Biogeographical evolution of the Malay Archipelago. - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Whitmore, T.C. 1982: Wallace's Line: a result of plate tectonics. - Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 69: 668-675.
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Whitmore, T.C. 1990: An introduction to tropical rain forests. - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
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Wong, K. M., Chan, C. L., 1997: Mount Kinabalu - Borneo's magic mountain. An introduction to the natural history of one of the world's great natural monuments. - Kota Kinabalu: Natural History
Wong, K.M. & Kamariah, A.S. (eds). 1999. Forests and trees of Brunei Darussalam. - Univ. Brunei Darussalam / Brunei Forestry Dept. / Brunei Shell, Brunei Darussalam.
Wong, K.M. & Kamariah, A.S. (eds). 1999. Forests and trees of Brunei Darussalam. - Univ. Brunei Darussalam / Brunei Forestry Dept. / Brunei Shell, Brunei Darussalam.
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Zizka, G. 1991. Über die Kannenpflanze Nepenthes bicalcarata J.D. Hooker. - Der Palmengarten 3/91: 39-44.

Association in the course directory

MEV W-6, MPF W-1

Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:43