Universität Wien

300262 VO Sustainable Development and political ecology (2012W)

2.00 ECTS (1.00 SWS), SPL 30 - Biologie

LV wird geblockt an folgenden Terminen im Ü6, Biozentrum Althanstraße, abgehalten
(immer c.t.):

Fr., 5.10.2012, 9h-11h (inkludiert Vorbesprechung)

Fr., 12.10.2012, 9h-11h

Fr., 19.10.2012, 9h-11h

Fr., 9.11.2012, 9h-11h

Fr., 16.11.2012, 9h-11h

Fr., 23.11.2012, 9h-11h

Fr., 30.11.2012, 9h-11h

Ein paralleler Besuch der Lehrveranstaltung 300430 SE "Nachhaltige Entwicklung und politische Ökologie" ist jedenfalls möglich, aber keine notwendige Teilnahme-Voraussetzung.



Aims, contents and method of the course

The lecture aims at a basic knowledge of the theoretical and conceptual foundations of sustainable development. Drawing on an interdisciplinary focus, key-aspects of ecology, human ecology, ecological economics, risk sociology and governance theory are presented in order to serve as a basis for an improved understanding of the challenges and opportunities of an environmentally and socially sound human development. Exemplary case studies integrate theoretical conceptions and real world contexts.

Assessment and permitted materials

written exam (Dec. 2012, Jan. 2013, March 2013)

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Understanding of sustainable development as a concept, including its historical roots and interdisciplinary aspects
Development of the ability to integrate and reflect upon the relevant disciplinary knowledge
Acquisition of the ability to draw on the concept of sustainable development regarding a specific societal problem situation as a means to analyse different options of action
Furthering inter- and transdisciplinary competences

Examination topics

lecture and discussion; further reading is provided

Reading list

wird in der LV bekanntgegeben

Association in the course directory

MOE W-11, MAN W-5

Last modified: Sa 22.10.2022 00:29