Universität Wien

300306 UE Hands-on Immunolabelling for Light and Electron Microscopy (2019W)

techniques and preparations for biologists

5.00 ECTS (3.00 SWS), SPL 30 - Biologie
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 6 participants
Language: English


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

Compulsory attendance on Friday 25.10.2019 for Introduction talk.
Please note, this is a BLOCK practical course which extends continuously from Monday 08:45h on 04.11.2019 until Wednesday 16:00h on 13.11.2019. Each day begins in the Seminar Room 1 (1.025 EG UZA1) or in the Ultrastructure Research Laboratory (Electron Microscopy Laboratory). More details will be given at Introduction Lecture. In addition, approximately 2 weeks after the end of the course, there will be an evening arranged for Oral Exam on technical aspects of the course and Student presentations. Any questions, please contact Dr. Jacqueline Montanaro (jacqueline.montanaro@univie.ac.at).

Friday 25.10. 10:00 - 12:00 COSB-Seminarraum
Monday 04.11. 12:00 - 15:00 COSB-Seminarraum
Wednesday 06.11. 12:00 - 15:00 COSB-Seminarraum
Monday 25.11. 18:00 - 21:00 COSB-Seminarraum


Aims, contents and method of the course

The goal of the course is to teach Masters and PhD students about different methods which can be used to prepare and perform immunolabelling at light (LM) and electron microscopy (EM) levels, and how to prepare semi-thin and ultrathin sections using an ultramicrotome. Advanced methods (Tokuyasu method) at the ultrastructural level will also be demonstrated. Immunolabelling and contrasting using negative staining, cryosections and acrylic sections will be evaluated and compared using the fluorescence and transmission electron microscopes. Finally, stereological methods that may be useful for quantification of immunogold labelling will be presented and discussed. Students participating in this course will gain a complete understanding of immunological methods for LM and EM and practical experience in how to prepare samples for electron microscopy.

Assessment and permitted materials

Participation: 40
Oral Exam: 30
Protocol or Poster: 30
Performance in each part must be positive

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

as above

Examination topics

Knowledge of the theoretical background (lectures). Application of the technical aspects of immunolabeling for LM and TEM (from the practical part). Applications in examples. Analysis, interpretation and evaluation of results.

Reading list

Wird während des Praktikums bekannt gegeben

Association in the course directory

MZO W-1, MBO 7, MMB W-2, MGE III-2,

Last modified: Sa 22.10.2022 00:30