Universität Wien

300354 VO Man and Woman from an Evolutionary Viewpoint (2017S)

2.00 ECTS (1.00 SWS), SPL 30 - Biologie



Aims, contents and method of the course

This lecture focuses on the ultimate and proximate reasons of gender differences. It covers contents from anatomy and physiology, behavior and cultural phenomena. The question, whether and to what extent biological constraints still apply to modern societies is discussed on the basis of recent research. The critical examination of insights of gender studies is the core focus of this lecture.

Assessment and permitted materials

24 multiple choice questions plus one calculation.
No supporting material allowed.

Exams: End of June, end of September, beginning of January

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Max. points:100
1: 100-91
2: 81-90
3: 71-80
4: 61-70
5: <60

Examination topics

Content of the lecture

Reading list

"Grundriss der Soziobiologie" or "Soziobiologie"
by Eckart Voland

Association in the course directory

B-BIO 5, EC EA PM1, UF BU 10, BIO 5

Last modified: Fr 01.10.2021 00:25