Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.
300387 SE+EX Field Trips in Microbiology (2022W)
Continuous assessment of course work
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Th 08.09.2022 14:00 to Th 22.09.2022 18:00
- Deregistration possible until Mo 31.10.2022 18:00
max. 20 participants
Language: German
Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N
First meeting: 4.10., 15:00 h
Additional selected dates on Tuesdays, 15:30 - 18:00 h
Field trips by arrangement
- Tuesday 04.10. 15:00 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1.5, Biologie Djerassiplatz 1, 1.012, Ebene 1
- Tuesday 11.10. 15:30 - 18:00 Seminarraum 2.1, Biologie Djerassiplatz 1, 2.129, Ebene 2
- Tuesday 18.10. 15:00 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1.5, Biologie Djerassiplatz 1, 1.012, Ebene 1
- Tuesday 25.10. 15:00 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1.5, Biologie Djerassiplatz 1, 1.012, Ebene 1
- Tuesday 08.11. 15:00 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1.5, Biologie Djerassiplatz 1, 1.012, Ebene 1
- Tuesday 15.11. 15:00 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1.5, Biologie Djerassiplatz 1, 1.012, Ebene 1
- Tuesday 22.11. 15:00 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1.5, Biologie Djerassiplatz 1, 1.012, Ebene 1
- Tuesday 29.11. 15:00 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1.5, Biologie Djerassiplatz 1, 1.012, Ebene 1
- Tuesday 06.12. 15:00 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1.5, Biologie Djerassiplatz 1, 1.012, Ebene 1
- Tuesday 13.12. 15:00 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1.5, Biologie Djerassiplatz 1, 1.012, Ebene 1
- Tuesday 10.01. 15:00 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1.5, Biologie Djerassiplatz 1, 1.012, Ebene 1
- Tuesday 17.01. 15:00 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1.5, Biologie Djerassiplatz 1, 1.012, Ebene 1
- Tuesday 24.01. 15:00 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1.5, Biologie Djerassiplatz 1, 1.012, Ebene 1
- Tuesday 31.01. 15:00 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1.5, Biologie Djerassiplatz 1, 1.012, Ebene 1
Aims, contents and method of the course
This combination of seminar and excursions aims at providing an overview over selected areas of application of microbiology. Initially, the microbiological background of these applications will be acquired in seminars, in which each participant is asked to present an extended summary of selected literature that will subsequently be discussed. Further insights will then be gained during excursions, for example to a large brewery, the main wastewater treatment plant of Vienna, the diagnostic laboratory of the AKH, and modern molecular microbiology research labs.
Assessment and permitted materials
Quality and completeness of the seminar presentation; participation in the discussion, participation in field trips.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Introduction to the importance of microorganisms and microbial communities in medicine, food production and wastewater treatment.
Examination topics
Computer-aided presentation of theoretical background, and selected field trips.
Reading list
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Mo 23.01.2023 14:09