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300444 VO Cultural Anthropology and History of Ethiopia (2010W)
Die Vorbesprechug findet am 15. Oktober 2010 um 09:00 in Biozentrum Altanstraße im Seminarraum statt. Die weiteren Vorlesungen (WS 2010/2011) finden von 09:00 bis 10:00 Uhr jeden Freitag voraussichtlich im selben Raum statt. Nachfolgend gebe ich daher den Vorlesungsplan nochmals bekannt:
15.10.10 9-10 Uhr
29.10.10 9-10 Uhr
05.11.10 9-11 Uhr
12.11.10 9-10 Uhr
26.11.10 9-10 Uhr
03.12.10 9-10 Uhr
10.12.10 9-11 Uhr
17.12.10 9-10 Uhr
15.10.10 9-10 Uhr
29.10.10 9-10 Uhr
05.11.10 9-11 Uhr
12.11.10 9-10 Uhr
26.11.10 9-10 Uhr
03.12.10 9-10 Uhr
10.12.10 9-11 Uhr
17.12.10 9-10 Uhr
Language: German
Examination dates
Currently no class schedule is known.
Aims, contents and method of the course
Cultural Anthropology and History of Ethiopia is the branch of anthropology in the University of Vienna that studies cultural variation among Ethiopian nationalities and ethnic groups in one side and emphasising the back ground history of the country from the old history till the modern one.
Assessment and permitted materials
This Lecture provides a comprehensive knowledge of the diversity of Ethiopian culture, social and material aspects of human existence in East Africa in general and makes a value of teachings and meaningfully to combine the Cultural, Social, Human, Biological, Anthropology and history of Ethiopia, because it acts of the oldest complete skeleton of human nature Ard, Lucy, Dekika, etc. in particular.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
This programme provides a comprehensive knowledge of the diversity of Ethiopian culture, social and material aspects of human existence in East Africa in general and makes a value of teachings and meaningfully to combine the anthropology and history of Ethiopia, because it acts of the oldest complete skeleton of human nature Lucy in particular.
Examination topics
The mission of this study is to give hints about the history of Ethiopia and its combination of cultural Anthropology aspect to those who are searching for human Fossils in Ethiopia.
Reading list
Skriptum Kulturanthropologie und Geschichte Äthiopien
Elerning und
Elerning und
Association in the course directory
B-BAN 7, BAN 8
Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:43