300460 VO Frontiers of Virology (2012S)
STB/HS B, Dr.Bohrgass 9/Vienna Biocenter 5,1030 Wien.
jeweils 16.00 -17.30 Uhr.
Termine: 16.4., 23.4.,30.4.,14.5., 21.5 und 11.6.2012, am 7.5.-im SR 3.Stock,
The dates and content of the lecture series are available at:
jeweils 16.00 -17.30 Uhr.
Termine: 16.4., 23.4.,30.4.,14.5., 21.5 und 11.6.2012, am 7.5.-im SR 3.Stock,
The dates and content of the lecture series are available at:
Language: English
Examination dates
Currently no class schedule is known.
Aims, contents and method of the course
The lecture series "Frontiers in Virology" will build on the course "Principles of Virology. It will examine in detail current topics of virology of importance to human and animal health. Questions such as the origin and evolutionary dynamics of HIV, the likelihood that influenza virus subtype H5N1 will become pandemic in humans, and the natural host for Ebola amongst others will be tackled. A key point will the examination of emerging viruses and the reasons for their emergence. At the end of the course, the student will have an in-depth view of the areas of virology which are being most actively researched.
Assessment and permitted materials
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Examination topics
Reading list
Association in the course directory
MGE III-2, MMI III-2, MMB W-2, M204, M210
Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:43