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300499 VO Aspects of an integrated risk assessment (2007W)
Basic approaches in managing global environmental risks
Dienstag, 15:00-16:00, Konferenzraum Ökologie. Beginn: 09.10.2007
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Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 08:56
- Ecological perspectives on risk focus on natural and man-made threats to complex natural systems, especially threats to ecosystem stability and sustainability, whereas human actors and human artefacts are inseparable parts of these systems.
- The economic approach of risk is closest to the technical concept, but already belongs to the social risk concepts, bearing a new quality in risk evaluation, i.e. the (subjective) utility describing the degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction associated with a possible action.
- Psychological and socio-psychological perspectives on risk provide additional knowledge and normative criteria to risk decisions. Thus, it contributes information for understanding individual and public risk responses and can therefore contribute to improve risk policies through revealing public concerns and values, in serving as indicators for public preferences and in helping to design risk communication strategies.
- The sociological perspectives have in common, that they include undesirable events that are socially defined or even socially constructed. Risk studies from this field analyse social constructions of pending threats to all aspects of what individuals and groups value. From a normative aspect, the sociological perspective includes the need to base risk policies on the experience of inequities and theories of fairness and justice.
- Cultural risk perspectives assumes that cultural patterns determine the individual choice of certain values. The cultural concept therefore focuses on cultural belief patterns consisting of related convictions and perceptions of reality.
- Finally risk governance deals with the politial framework within decisions on risk relevant activities are taken. This includes questions on legitimity, reliability, social trust and political resonsibility. Risk governance aims at an integrated framework which provides guidance for the development of comprehensive assessment and management strategies to cope with risks, in particular at the global level. The framework integrates scientific, economic, social and cultural aspects and includes the effective engagement of stakeholders.