300546 UE Embryologisches Praktikum (2006S)
Morphologisches Spezialpraktikum: Vergleichende Embryologie
Continuous assessment of course work
Vorbesprechung: 02.03.2006 um 14 Uhr ct. im ÜR 8
UZA 1, Biozentrum Althanstraße 14, 1090 Wien;
UZA 1, Biozentrum Althanstraße 14, 1090 Wien;
Language: German
Currently no class schedule is known.
Aims, contents and method of the course
The objects used in the courses are sea urchins, molluscs, insects, tunicates and vertebrates (Teleostei, Amphibia, Aves, Mammalia). The fertilization and the early development (modes of cleavage, gastrulation, neurulation and formation of germ layers) and the development of organs (nervous system, gut and derivates, skeleton etc.) are discussed comparatively. The central point of interest is the development of vertebrates. A three to four day course about fish development at a fish hatchery ist obligatory.
Assessment and permitted materials
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Examination topics
Reading list
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 08:56