300565 VO Basics and handling with intellectual property for biologists (2012W)
Basics for Scientists
HS B/Strukturbiologie, ViennaBiocenter 5, Dr.Bohrgasse 9, 1030 Wien.
Block: 29., 30. und 31. Okt. 2012, 13.00 - 18.00 Uhr
am 22.11. 17.00 -18.00 Uhr - HS 5/UZA II, Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Wien.
Prüfung: 28.11. HS 5/UZA II
Weiter Infos siehe: http://molekularebiologie.univie.ac.at/
Block: 29., 30. und 31. Okt. 2012, 13.00 - 18.00 Uhr
am 22.11. 17.00 -18.00 Uhr - HS 5/UZA II, Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Wien.
Prüfung: 28.11. HS 5/UZA II
Weiter Infos siehe: http://molekularebiologie.univie.ac.at/
Language: German
Examination dates
Currently no class schedule is known.
Aims, contents and method of the course
Introduction into intellectual property rights; basics of licensing and technology transfer
Assessment and permitted materials
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Examination topics
Reading list
Association in the course directory
WZB, M213, PhD MB 3
Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:44