Universität Wien

300585 VO Organic Chemistry for Molecular biology (2009S)

5.00 ECTS (3.00 SWS), SPL 30 - Biologie

HS II der Chemischen Institute, Währingerstr.,1090 Wien
jeweils Mo. 10:15-12:00 und Di 8:15-9:00 Uhr
Vorbesprechung und Beginn.:2.3.09
Wenn es möglich ist, werden im Mai und Anfang Juni Doppelstunden eingeschoben, damit die Vorlesung früher beendet und die Prüfung früher stattfinden kann.

Kommentar: Im Mai und Juni werden an 4 Mittwochen im HS I 3 Doppelstunden und sofern notwendig (Vortrag an einem Di in BRD?), eine Einfachstunde eingeschoben, damit die Vorlesung früher abgeschlossen werden kann: Mi 13. 5., 27. 5. und 3. 6., 13:15-15:00, und Mi 10. 6., 13:15 ¿ 14:00.
Letzte Vorlesung: Di 16. 6. 09.
Übungsdoppelstunde: HS II, Fr 19. 6., 11:15-13:00.

Prüfungstermine: Di 23. 6. 2009, 14:15-16:15; HS I (Zugang über Boltzmanngasse 1),
Fr. 18. 9., 14:15-16:15, HS I für Anmeldungen 1-70, HS II (Zugang über Währingerstraße 42) für Anmeldungen 71-104; schriftlich.

Schriftlich; Einlass aus dem Foyer in den jeweiligen Hörsaal ab 14:00 nach Überprüfung der Hochschulausweise; Anmeldung erforderlich (http://www.students.mfpl.ac.at/), möglich ab 2. 6. 09.

Prüfung: Fr. 18. 2. 2011, 14:15-16:15, Carl Auer von Welsbach-Hörsaal (ehemals HS I, Boltzmanngasse 1), schriftlich; Einlass aus dem Foyer in den Hörsaal ab 14:00 nach Überprüfung der Hochschulausweise; Anmeldung erforderlich – ab 17. 12. 2010 möglich, bis 16. 2. 2011, 14:00:


Language: German



Currently no class schedule is known.


Aims, contents and method of the course

Recommended Book: Harold Hart -
"Organic Chemistry"

I: Saturated Hydrocarbons
IUPAC nomenclature, isomers, properties, conformation, halogenation of alkanes.

II. Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
Alkenes and cycloalkenes: Nomenclature, cis-trans isomers, structure, properties, synthesis, electrophilic addition of HBr, Br2, HOX, rule of Markownikow, hydroboration, nucleophilic addition to C=C bonds with an electron-withdrawing substituent, hydrogenation, oxygen transfer reactions.
Chirality: R/S and D/L nomenclature, absolute configuration, racemate, enantiomers, meso compounds, resolution.
Alkynes: Nomenclature, structure, properties, preparation and reactions.

III. Aromatic compounds
Resonance, resonance structures, aromaticity, nomenclature, electrophilic substitution in benzenes, I- and M-effect, directing effect of substituents.

IV. Halogenated alkanes
Nomenclature, properties, polyhalogenated compounds, preparation, SN1- and SN2-reaktions; E1- and E2-eliminations, organometallic compounds (Mg, Li); methylation in biosphere.

V. Alcohols, phenols, and ethers
Nomenclature, properties, synthesis and reactions of alcohols, oxidation of alcohols in the cell, phenols as antioxidants, quinone/hydroquinone; ethers.

VI. Aldehydes and ketones
Nomenclature, properties, synthesis, nucleophilic additions to the carbonyl group, addition of hydrogen cyanide, water, alcohols, formation of acetals, addition of hydrogen, organometallic compounds, nitrogen nucleophiles, oxidation of aldehydes, enolisation of aldehydes and ketones, aldol reaction and condensation.

VII. Carboxylic acids and derivatives
Nomenclature, properties, synthesis, acidity, nucleophilic substitutions at the carbonyl group of carboxylic acids and their derivatives, esters and thioesters, amides, reductions, addition of organometallic compounds to esters, Claisen condensation, reactions of thioesters in biochemistry.

VIII. Amines and related compounds
Nomenclature, structure, properties, synthesis, acylation, alkylation, reactions of amines with nitrous acid, dehydrogenation of amines in cell.
IX. Derivatives of carbonic and phosphoric acid
Phosgen, chloroformates, carbonates, urea.
Formation and reactions of ATP, activation of carboxylic acids.

X. Synthesis of polymers
General remarks, polymerisation, radical polymerisation, polycondensation, and polyaddition.

XI. Aminoacids, peptides, and proteins
Proteinogenic aminoacids, reactivity of SH group of cysteine, peptides, ninhydrin reaction, synthesis of peptides, protecting groups for amino and carboxyl group, formation of peptide bonds, proteins, determination of C- and N-terminal aminoacids, Sanger reagent, sequencing of proteins, Edmann degradation, structure and biosynthesis of proteins.

XII. Carbohydrates, nucleosides and nuleotides
Monosaccharides, nomeclature and stereochemistry, cyclic acetals, anomers, reactions of monosaccharides, disaccharides (maltose, cellobiose, lactose, saccharose), polysaccharides (starch, cellulose), nucleosides, and nucleotides.

Assessment and permitted materials

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Examination topics

Reading list

Association in the course directory

BBB 3, BMG 6, M115
BMG 5 ab SS10

Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 08:56