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300674 PP Submicroscopical anatomy and preparatory techniques (2011S)
Continuous assessment of course work
Vorlesung "Tierische Zellen und Gewebe" 300702 ist empfehlenswert für dieses Praktikum.
Dieses PP muss gemeinsam mit SE 300007 "Benützung Labor Elektronenmikroskopie" besucht werden.
Vorbesprechung: 01.03.2011 um 11:15 Uhr im Konferenzraum der Zoologie,Block: 07.03.2011 - 25.03.2011, 3-wöchig täglich ganztägig
Dieses PP muss gemeinsam mit SE 300007 "Benützung Labor Elektronenmikroskopie" besucht werden.
Vorbesprechung: 01.03.2011 um 11:15 Uhr im Konferenzraum der Zoologie,Block: 07.03.2011 - 25.03.2011, 3-wöchig täglich ganztägig
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Mo 07.02.2011 08:00 to Tu 22.02.2011 20:00
- Deregistration possible until We 30.03.2011 20:00
max. 12 participants
Language: German
Currently no class schedule is known.
Aims, contents and method of the course
The topic of this course is a project of ultrastructural research. Following the motto "learning by doing" emphasis is put on teaching the fundamental methods of electron microscopy and the presentation of the scientific results (poster, paper). At the end of this intensive three weeks course students are qualified to tackle a problem in ultrastructural research and to use the instruments of electron microscopy.
Assessment and permitted materials
Workshop, protocol, poster, review of relevant literature, oral examination
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Ability to work on a project in ultrastructural research. Choice of suitalbe methods presentation of the results as poster and oral as well as discussion of the results in a workshop. At the end of the course the participants are qualified to work as electronmicroscopists and they have the fundamental knowhow for the interpretation of structures (as seen in the electronmicroscopes).
Examination topics
TEM, SEM, Ultramicrotomes, sectioning (SD and UD), fixation, dehydration, embedding, knife production, staining, CP drying, sputter - coating
Reading list
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Association in the course directory
Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:44