300703 PP Animal Acoustic Signals (2020S)
Animal Acoustic Signals
Continuous assessment of course work
Die Unterrichtssprache ist prinzipiell Deutsch. Wenn Studenten teilnehmen deren Muttersprache nicht Deutsch ist, kann in Englisch unterrichtet werden.
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Th 06.02.2020 08:00 to Th 20.02.2020 18:00
- Deregistration possible until Th 30.04.2020 18:00
max. 10 participants
Language: German
Vorbesprechung: 02.03.2020 um 10.00 Uhr im Seminarraum des Dep. f. Kognitionsbiologie, Raum 2.235, UZA 1, Biozentrum Althanstraße 14, 1090 Wien
Aims, contents and method of the course
The course focuses on methods and techniques for studying animal sound communication.
Assessment and permitted materials
The applicants will be evaluated through group presentations of practicals and final reports.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Acquiring methods and techniques for studying animal vocal communication
Examination topics
The course includes lectures (including a small exam), a practical part (students work together in groups of two), student presentations with time for discussion, and a final project report.
Introductory lectures aim at giving an overview of the subject of acoustic communication followed by special lectures on the fundamentals of acoustics, signal analysis, animal sound production, and communicative behavior. A small exam reviews the content of the lectures.Practicals will be conducted at external institutions (e.g. Vienna Zoo and other animal keeping facilities) Practicals aim at giving the students hands-on experience of sound recording and sound analysis. Praat and MatLab will be used throughout the course but prior experience is not required.
Introductory lectures aim at giving an overview of the subject of acoustic communication followed by special lectures on the fundamentals of acoustics, signal analysis, animal sound production, and communicative behavior. A small exam reviews the content of the lectures.Practicals will be conducted at external institutions (e.g. Vienna Zoo and other animal keeping facilities) Practicals aim at giving the students hands-on experience of sound recording and sound analysis. Praat and MatLab will be used throughout the course but prior experience is not required.
Reading list
Biocommunication of Animals
Herausgeber: Witzany, Guenther (Ed.)Vertebrate Sound Production and Acoustic Communication
Herausgeber: Suthers, R.A., Fitch, W.T., Fay, R.R., Popper, A.N. (Eds.)
Herausgeber: Witzany, Guenther (Ed.)Vertebrate Sound Production and Acoustic Communication
Herausgeber: Suthers, R.A., Fitch, W.T., Fay, R.R., Popper, A.N. (Eds.)
Association in the course directory
BZO 13
Last modified: We 18.03.2020 17:09