300706 SE Calculation in Chemistry (2015S)
Accompanying Seminar for Basic Chemical Lab Course
Continuous assessment of course work
Vorbesprechung: Di 3.3.15 von 9:00-10:30, Carl Auer von Welsbach HS
Termine:Theorie: immer im Carl Auer von Welsbach HS
Mi 4.3.15 von 14:15-15:15
Mi 11.3.15 von 13:15-14:15
Mi 18.3.15 von 16:15-17:15
Do 26.3.15 von 17:15-18:15
Mi 15.4.15 von 13:15-14:15Übungen:
Kurs 1: immer Di 9-10 Uhr in HS4
Kurs 2: immer Di 10-11 Uhr in HS4
Kurs 3: immer Di 11-12 Uhr in HS4
Kurs 4: immer Di 12-13 Uhr in HS4
Kurs 5: immer Di 9-10 Uhr in SR2
Kurs 6: immer Di 10-11 Uhr in SR2
Kurs 7: immer Di 11-12 Uhr in SR2
Kurs 8: immer Di 12-13 Uhr in SR2ANMELDUNG: über das neue Online-Anmeldesystem der Uni Wien obligatorisch.
5 Theorieeinheiten
4 Übungseinheiten (aufgeteilt in 8 Übungsgruppen)
Termine:Theorie: immer im Carl Auer von Welsbach HS
Mi 4.3.15 von 14:15-15:15
Mi 11.3.15 von 13:15-14:15
Mi 18.3.15 von 16:15-17:15
Do 26.3.15 von 17:15-18:15
Mi 15.4.15 von 13:15-14:15Übungen:
Kurs 1: immer Di 9-10 Uhr in HS4
Kurs 2: immer Di 10-11 Uhr in HS4
Kurs 3: immer Di 11-12 Uhr in HS4
Kurs 4: immer Di 12-13 Uhr in HS4
Kurs 5: immer Di 9-10 Uhr in SR2
Kurs 6: immer Di 10-11 Uhr in SR2
Kurs 7: immer Di 11-12 Uhr in SR2
Kurs 8: immer Di 12-13 Uhr in SR2ANMELDUNG: über das neue Online-Anmeldesystem der Uni Wien obligatorisch.
5 Theorieeinheiten
4 Übungseinheiten (aufgeteilt in 8 Übungsgruppen)
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Th 05.02.2015 08:00 to Th 19.02.2015 18:00
- Deregistration possible until Fr 27.03.2015 18:00
max. 200 participants
Language: German
Currently no class schedule is known.
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
Compulsory attendance; the evaluation consists of different performances: quality and completeness of the seminar presentation, active participation in the scientific discussion of the presented publications, written records (the percentage of the subgrades will be announced by the course leader); each of the subgrades must have a positive evaluation.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Examination topics
Reading list
Association in the course directory
B-BIO 10
Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:44
Targets: This seminar should lead to a better understanding of the central part of chemical calculations in all areas of chemistry. Equation pathways, nomenclature of inorganic compounds as well as calculations of selected chemical problems form an essential part of this seminar.
Marking: The final mark consists of 50% exercises, 50% of the final exam. At least 61% of all points are necessary to pass the seminar.
Literatur: script or following book: Chemistry, Charles E. Mortimer