300721 PP DNA Microarrays (2011S)
Highly parallel molecular analysis of microorganisms
Continuous assessment of course work
Dauer: 4.7.2011 bis 15.7.2011 jeweils 9.00-18.00 Uhr (Blockveranstaltung)Ort: Seminarraum Ökologie und Übungsraum 5 Physiologie, UZA 1, Biozentrum Althanstraße 14, Physiologie 2.211 1.OGVorbesprechung/Beginn: 4.7.2011 um 9:00 Uhr im Seminarraum ÖkologieSchriftliche Prüfung zum Praktikum: 18.7.2011 um 9:00 Uhr
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Mo 07.02.2011 08:00 to Tu 22.02.2011 20:00
- Deregistration possible until We 30.03.2011 20:00
max. 12 participants
Language: German
Currently no class schedule is known.
Aims, contents and method of the course
This laboratory course will teach attendants how to use DNA microarrays for highly parallel identification of many different microorganisms in environmental and medical samples. The course will provide detailed theoretical and practical knowledge on this high-throughput nucleic acids hybridisation technique; including design, fabrication, and application of diagnostic microarrays, preparation of sample material (fluorescence labelling of nucleic acids), and analysis and interpretation of digital microarray scans.
Assessment and permitted materials
Grading is based on four partial performances: practical lab work, seminar, written examination (1 h), and course protocol. Successful completion of the practical course requires positive grades for all four partial performances.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Learning the practical and theoretical fundamentals of nucleic acid hybridization using the example of the DNA microarray technique (includes e.g. DNA probe design, DNA extraction, PCR, fluorescence labelling of nucleic acids, hybridization, digital image analysis)
Examination topics
Theoretical knowledge will be acquired via lectures, the course script, and original scientific literature; supervision of autonomous practical work in the lab (e.g. DNA extraction, PCR, fluorescence labelling of nucleic acids, hybridization) including computer-based evaluation of lab results; presentation and discussion of scientific papers during the student seminar
Reading list
Association in the course directory
B-BOE 12, B-BOE 13, B-BMB 11A, B-BMG 12A, BOE 10, BOE 11, BOE 12, BMB 11A, BMG 10A
Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:44