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301619 VO Analytical Chemistry 1 for Biologists (2019S)
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
Language: German
Examination dates
Beginn: 7.3.2019
jeweils Do. 9.00 - 10.00 Uhr
HS /STB, Viennabiocenter 5, 1030 Wien.
ACHTUNG am 6.6. im Seminarraum/STB
301620 Analytische Chemie 2 - Djinovic im WS !
Aims, contents and method of the course
Principles of Stoechiometry, Chemical Equilibria, Redox-reactions and their application in Analytical Chemistry, Fractionation and Separation methods and their importance in chromatography and electrophoresis, Instrumental methods: UV/Vis, IR, Raman, MassSpectrometry and NMR, Statistics, calibration and propagation of errors.
Assessment and permitted materials
Written exam, appx 1.5h, typically 15 very short questions including simple calculations, which represent a cross-section through the content of the lecture course. electronic calculators allowed
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Understanding of basic analytical operations, Acid/base, Redox and complex-formation equilibria, Understanding of separation and fractionation methods (e.g. electrophoresis, chromatography) Understanding of instrumental methods, Critical assessment of results in terms of statistics.
50% of exam questions must be correctly answered for a passing grade.
100-87.5%: Excellent (1)
87.5-75%: Good (2)
75-62.5%: Adequate (3)
62.5-50%: Sufficient (4)
< 50%: Fail (5)Critical assessment of results in terms of statistics.Understanding of instrumental methods
50% of exam questions must be correctly answered for a passing grade.
100-87.5%: Excellent (1)
87.5-75%: Good (2)
75-62.5%: Adequate (3)
62.5-50%: Sufficient (4)
< 50%: Fail (5)Critical assessment of results in terms of statistics.Understanding of instrumental methods
Examination topics
The entire lecture course, lecture slides under http://moodle.univie.ac.at
Reading list
Seamus P. J. Higson: Analytical Chemistry, Oxford University Press
Charles E. Mortimer, Ulrich Müller, Johannes Beck, Chemie Basiswissen, Thieme
VL slides
Charles E. Mortimer, Ulrich Müller, Johannes Beck, Chemie Basiswissen, Thieme
VL slides
Association in the course directory
BMB 5, BAN 6,BBO 8, BOE 11,BPB 11,BZO 11,BMG 10
Last modified: We 19.08.2020 08:08