310054 VO Organische Chemie für MB (Teil A) (2006W)
Organische Chemie (Studienrichtung Molekulare Biologie, Teil A)
Blocklehrveranstaltung in der 2. Semesterhälfte
Mi,Do,Fr 14:15-16:00, HS I d. Chem. Inst.
Mi,Do,Fr 14:15-16:00, HS I d. Chem. Inst.
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Examination topics
Reading list
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 08:57
Alkenes and cycloalkenes: Nomenclature, physical properties nomenclature, geometric isomers, preparation, radical and electrophilic addition reactions, hydrogenation and oxygen transfer reactions.
Chirality and enantiomerism: Enantiomers, optical rotation, stereoisomers, R/S nomenclature, resolution.
Alkines: Nomeclature, properties, addition reactions.
Aromatic hydrocarbons: Aromaticity, resonance structures, nomenclature, electrophilic aromatic substitution, inductive and mesomeric effect, heterocycles.
Halogenoalkanes: Nomenclature, properties, preparation, nucleophilic substitution reaction (SN2 and SN1), elimination reactions (E2 und E1 mechanism), organometallic compounds, methylation in biosphere, halogenated hydrocarbons and the biosphere.
Alcohols, phenols and ethers: Nomenclature, properties, preparation and reactions of alcohols, oxidation in laboratory and cell, phenols, hydrochinone, ethers and epoxides.