Universität Wien

320039 VO Separaton& analysis of org. drug. comp. (2008S)

Separation and analysis methods for organic drug compounds

3.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 32 - Pharmazie

Prof. Bartsch: Beginn: 4.3.08
Di, Mi, Do 10.30-11.30 Uhr HS 6
Prof. Haider: Beginn: 15.04.08
Di, Mi 10.30-12.00 HS 6


Language: German



Currently no class schedule is known.


Aims, contents and method of the course

ECTS: 3.0
In the first part, analytical methods of particular relevance for pharmacy laboratories are presented, the second part deals with instrumental separation techniques with a focus on methods for the separation of classical (small-molecule) drug compounds.
Aim: Acquisition of basic knowledge on the qualitative analysis of drug compounds with methods available in a pharmacy laboratory (proof of identity for drug compounds); knowledge about principles of function, applicability, and limitations of instrumental separation techniques (focus on chromatographic methods).
Contents: Determination of elemental composition, solubility, precipitation reactions, color reactions, identification of functional groups in drug compounds, physical properties, analysis of medicinal products (extraction of drug compounds, separation procedures); principles of chromatographic methods (separation mechanisms, classification of methods, theories of the chrom. process); individual chrom. methods: thin layer chromatography (TLC), column chrom. (CC), high performance liquid chrom. (HPLC), gas chrom. (GC); for each method: characteristic features, instrumentation, development techniques, detection methods, sample preparation, derivatisation; pharmaceutical applications; determination of separation performance, quantitative aspects (quantitation of elution curves and inner chromatograms, employment of internal and external standards); validation of chromatographic methods; reiated methods (SFC, CE, CEC).
Preconditions: successful completion of courses of the first study section; examinations on lectures from the second study section (3rd and 4th semester) can be done anyway (cf. Studienplan).
Mode of examination: written examination

Assessment and permitted materials

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Examination topics

Reading list

Association in the course directory


Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 08:57