Universität Wien

320042 PR Courses in quantitative chemical analytics (2011S)

6 Courses

4.00 ECTS (5.00 SWS), SPL 32 - Pharmazie
Continuous assessment of course work

VOR-Anmeldung für das Praktikum über das Web unter: http://www.univie.ac.at/ulg-pqm/anmeldung-quant. Zusätzlich ist die persönliche Anmeldung wahlweise zu den folgenden Terminen:
Dienstag, 10. 5. 2011, 12.00, im Seminarraum 2F248
Mittwoch, 11. 5. 2011, 12.00, im Seminarraum 2F248
notwendig, da die Erfüllung der Zulassungsvoraussetzungen geprüft werden muss. Bitte den Ausdruck der elektronischen Anmeldung sowie ein aktuelles Sammelzeugnis mitbringen!



Aims, contents and method of the course

ECTS: 4.0
Content: Calibration of volumetric instruments, gravimetry, titrimetric methods (acidimetry, alkalimetry, redox titration, complexometric titration), recording of an acidimetric titration curve, quantitative determination of drugs according to the methods of the european pharmacopoea. Documentation in quantitative analysis. Calculations and evaluation of the analytical results according to the rules of the european pharmacopoea.
Teaching aim: Knowledge in correct handling of analytical instruments, training of the practical running, of the documentation, and of the evaluation of quantitative analysis, experience in carrying out the quantitative methods of the european pharmacopoea.
Requirements: Theoretical and methodical knowledge in quantitative analysis and analysis according to the european pharmacopoea, which is subject of the lecture "Introduction to pharmaceutical analysis, VO".
Examination: Continuous examination (assessment of the analytical results)

Assessment and permitted materials

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Examination topics

Reading list

Association in the course directory


Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 08:57