Universität Wien
Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.

322015 UE Interpretation of Clinical Studies - M10 (2024W)

(3 Kurse)

2.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 32 - Pharmazie
Continuous assessment of course work

Anmeldung in 2 Schritten:
1. U:Space 322015 ( https://uspace.univie.ac.at/ )
2. Anmeldesystem Pharmazie ( https://spl-pharmazie.univie.ac.at/anmeldesystemPHARMAZIE )


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


Language: German


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N


Aims, contents and method of the course

This exercise is intended to impart basic skills for critical assessment of the quality and relevance of scientific literature.
The content of the course consists of:

-) Literature research using scientific databases (Pubmed, etc.)
-) Critical assessment of scientific literature based on given criteria
-) Presentation including evaluation of study results

Assessment and permitted materials

This lecture exercise has an intrinsic examination character, so permanent attendance is necessary. Within the small groups, studies are assessed according to specified criteria and clinical questions are answered with the help of these. At the end of the exercise there is a final test on the subject of “Critical Evaluation of a Clinical Study”.

Permitted tools in the exam is an English dictionary in hard copy!

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Minimum requirements for a positive assessment:

- Attendance (100%) throughout the exercise
- positive completion of the entrance examination or lecture examination "Introduction to Evidence-Based Pharmacy"
- Preparation of a study issued by the course leader according to the specified aspects
- Answering a clinical question with independent literature search including presentation (50% of the overall grade)
- Final test: Interpretation of a clinical study to prove the knowledge acquired (50% of the overall grade)

Each partial performance must be completed positively.

The UE Interpretation of Clinical Studies is offered alongside the course “Introduction to Evidence-Based Pharmacy”. The UE Interpretation of Clinical Studies is offered alongside the course “Introduction to Evidence-Based Pharmacy”. A positive completion of the lecture “Introduction to Evidence-Based Pharmacy” is therefore strongly recommended.

Examination topics

the knowledge acquired during the course

Reading list

-) Skriptum der Lehrveranstaltung „Einführung in die evidenzbasierte Pharmazie“
-) Michael Benesch, Elisabeth Steiner „Klinische Studien lesen und verstehen“ 2. Auflage
-) Trisha Greenhalgh „Einführung in die evidenzbasierte Medizin“ 3. Auflage

Association in the course directory

A231, A232, MA15

Last modified: Mo 05.08.2024 07:46