Universität Wien

330021 VO Human ecology (2012W)

Mensch und Biosphäre

LV: beginnend ab 9.10.2012, im HS8, UZAII
jeweils Dienstag, 17:00-18:30 Uhr
UND Donnerstag (die genauen Zeiten werden wegen allfälliger Überschneidungen im Rahmen der ersten Vorlesung nach Absprache mit den Teilnehmern fixiert), voraussichtlicher Beginn zwischen 17 und 18 Uhr, Dauer 1,5 Stunden



Aims, contents and method of the course

Biospheric change by mankind and reaction of the changed biosphere upon mankind.

Atmospheric balance - ozone problems - greenhouse gases and climate change - the energy questions - chemical impact on the environment and bioaccumulation of toxic substances - loss of biotopes and species - radioactive risk - population bomb, soil destruction, world hunger - alternative ways.
Ecological laws, principles of sustainability , sucessful principles of life on earth - 7 golden rules of biospheric evolution (as applicable to the economy)

Assessment and permitted materials

schriftliche Prüfungen

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Global awareness of ecological limits and their relevance for feeding the world

Examination topics

Frontal lecture with audiovisual support and discussion (the latter limited by student number - divided up upon two lectures halls)

Reading list

Association in the course directory

K 144, L 141; LA-HE 141

Last modified: Sa 02.04.2022 00:27