330024 SE Seminar Habitat forming/Human ecology (2010S)
Habitat forming under human-ecological aspects
Continuous assessment of course work
Humanökologie einer Nationalparkregion (Ökohaus Petronell) ; 09.06.-11.06.2010 max 30 Teilnehmer, Anmeldung unter univis.univie und unbedingt Anmeldung unter : claudia.roson@nhm-wien.ac.at !!!!!!!! Nur für 30 Teilnhemer limitiert!!!!!Stadtökologie u. Siedlungsgestaltung (Naturhistorisches Museum Wien)
15.03.-17.03.2010 max. 120 Teilnehmer, 10.00-18.00, Kinosaal d. Naturhistor.Museums
Humanökologie einer Nationalparkregion (Ökohaus Petronell) ; 09.06.-11.06.2010 max 30 Teilnehmer, Anmeldung unter univis.univie und unbedingt Anmeldung unter : claudia.roson@nhm-wien.ac.at !!!!!!!! Nur für 30 Teilnhemer limitiert!!!!!Stadtökologie u. Siedlungsgestaltung (Naturhistorisches Museum Wien)
15.03.-17.03.2010 max. 120 Teilnehmer, 10.00-18.00, Kinosaal d. Naturhistor.Museums
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Su 14.02.2010 14:00 to Fr 05.03.2010 12:00
- Deregistration possible until Fr 12.03.2010 12:00
max. 150 participants
Language: German
Currently no class schedule is known.
Aims, contents and method of the course
Human Ecology II: Urban Ecology: Behaviour, Architecture, Urban Green, TransportHuman Ecology of a National Park Region: Presenting Nature without endangering the Resource by funneling tourism. The Art of Interpretation. Genetic potentials, drinking water, compatible forms of use. Regional building, Archaeology
Assessment and permitted materials
Confirmation of participation
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Human Ecology II: Urban Ecology: Graduate should show a critical understanding to participate in planning processes related to residential architecture, transport and urban greenHuman
Ecology of a National Park Region: Graduate should know the IUCN criteria for National parks and be able to indicate the necessary restrictions, but also the chances of a National Park region for the economy (regional products and tourism)
Ecology of a National Park Region: Graduate should know the IUCN criteria for National parks and be able to indicate the necessary restrictions, but also the chances of a National Park region for the economy (regional products and tourism)
Examination topics
Human Ecology II:visualized presentation, discussion, investigating variance
Ecology of a National Park Region:Media, lectures, excursions, practical excercise
Ecology of a National Park Region:Media, lectures, excursions, practical excercise
Reading list
Skripten, Bücher
Association in the course directory
K 138, LA-HE 142
Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:44