Universität Wien

330034 UE Histology and Cytology (2024W)

Continuous assessment of course work

Die Plätze dieser LV werden vorrangig an Studierende des Bachelorstudiums Ernährungswissenschaften vergeben, die das Fach als Pflichtlehrveranstaltung im Curriculum (Modul 13.4) absolvieren müssen.
Im Falle einer VERHINDERUNG an der Teilnahme ist eine ABMELDUNG innerhalb der Abmeldefrist UNBEDINGT ERFORDERLICH, da bei Abbruch und unentschuldigtem Fernbleiben eine negative Bewertung erfolgt.
Abmeldungen außerhalb dieser Frist können nur mit Nachweis eines triftigen Grundes (z.B. Erkrankung) erfolgen.


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 60 participants
Language: German



Diese LV findet im großen Übungssaal, im Zentrum für Anatomie und Zellbiologie, Schwarzspanierstraße 17, 1090 Wien statt.
Vom Hof, Aufgang "C", 2. Stock

MO 20.01.2025 16:00 bis 19.00 Uhr

DI 21.01.2025 16:00 bis 19.00 Uhr

MI 22.01.2025 16:00 bis 19.00 Uhr

DO 23.01.2025 16:00 bis 19.00 Uhr

FR 24.01.2025 16:00 bis 19.00 Uhr

MO 27.01.2025 16:00 bis 19.00 Uhr

DI 28.01.2025 16:00 bis 19.00 Uhr

MI 29.01.2025 16:00 bis 19.00 Uhr

DO 30.01.2025 16:00 bis 19.00 Uhr

FR 31.01.2025 16:00 bis 19.00 Uhr


Aims, contents and method of the course

Modus: The course “Übungen zur Histologie und Zytologie“ will be held on site.
Your participation in the meetings will be checked. You are allowed to skip two meetings maximum; contents of missed units have to be learned on one´s own.
A Moodle-course “Übungen zur Zytologie und Histologie” with all the information you need will be made public before Christmas. You have to be registered as participant in order to get this information.
In addition to your active participation, you´ll have to pass a final exam.

The focus of the practical course „Histology and Cytology “ is on the structure/function relationship of tissues and organ systems. Units 1 to 4 concentrate on the basics of cytology and histology. Units 5 to 9 deal with organs and organ systems - most relevant for students of nutritional sciences: digestive tract + excretory system. Unit 10 offers the possibility to repeat the contents of units 1 to 9.

Assessment and permitted materials

active participation (absence from two units maximum is tolerated);
oral exam on the basis of the slides of tissues/organs you have seen under the microscope, dates from which you can choose will be announced in the first week of the course

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

active participation in the course (2x absence permitted),

Oral exam:
What you should know/be able to perform:
1) Microscopic samples: identify the tissues/organs you have studied in units 1 to 9 under the microscope
2) Basic structures of tissue/organ: identify them, know the scientific terms and find them for yourself in the microscopic sample
3) Organ: be able to characterize overall and detailed structure
4) Cells: name and characterize the different types of cells in a tissue/organ
5) Cells-tissue-organ: structural/functional relations
6) Ultrastructure: cell-organelles/intracellular structures: structural/functional relations (examples discussed in the course)

Examination topics

microscopic diagnosis of the tissues and organs introduced in the course, questions relating to structure and function of the aforementioned tissues and organs

Reading list

You´ll find pdfs with essential information on each of the tissues/organ systems in moodle: “Übungen zur Zytologie und Histologie” (accessible before the begin of the course)

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Mo 09.09.2024 10:27