Universität Wien
Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.

330089 UE Microbiology Practicals (2018S)

Continuous assessment of course work

Die VO Mikrobiologie ist inhaltliche Voraussetzung da die Übungen auf deren Kenntnisse aufbauen.
Im Falle einer VERHINDERUNG an der Teilnahme ist eine ABMELDUNG innerhalb der Abmeldefrist UNBEDINGT ERFORDERLICH, da bei unentschuldigtem Fernbleiben eine negative Bewertung erfolgt.

Abmeldungen außerhalb dieser Frist können nur mit Zustimmung des LV-Leiters erfolgen.


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 30 participants
Language: German



Lab dates

Mo 02.07.2018 08:00 - 12:15 im Raum UZA2-2F254

Di 03.07.2018 08:00 - 12:15 im Raum UZA2-2F254

Mi 04.07.2018 08:00 - 12:15 im Raum UZA2-2F254

Do 05.07.2018 08:00 - 12:15 im Raum UZA2-2F254

Fr 06.07.2018 08:00 - 12:15 im Raum UZA2-2F254

Fr 06.07.2018 09:45 - 10:30 im Raum UZA2-HS4


Aims, contents and method of the course

General practices in the microbiology laboratory; Bacteriological laboratory and laboratory equipment; Cleaning and sterilization in the laboratory; Culture Media; Principles of sterile working; Introduction to microscopy and staining; Culturing; Microorganisms: microbial count; Water hygiene; Identification of microorganisms; Biochemical tests; Operating and personnel hygiene
Some common operating hygienic examinations are carried out in this internship namely: Enumeration of bacteria from surfaces; Determination of airborne bacterial count; Sedimentation; Impaction method; Creating a susceptibility testing; Squeeze method; Antibiogram; Non-cultural and indirect cultural methods; Gas chromatography (GC), high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC); Electrophoresis in the diagnosis; Polymerase Chain Reaction; (PCR); Impedance measurement; Direct Epifluoreszent filter technique (DEFT); Limulus-Test (LAL); Adenosintriphospat- (ATP) measurement; Measurement of the gas change;

Assessment and permitted materials

Theoretical final exam , including the permanent performance appraisal
Written, open Questions

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

The lecture Hygiene and Microbiology
Points System (total 20 Points)
1-10 p: 5
11-12 p: 4
13-15 p: 3
16-18 p: 2
19-20 p: 1

Examination topics

Combines theory with practical exercises, media-assisted presentation (PowerPoint presentations) ; demonstrations ,

Reading list


Association in the course directory

Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:44