Universität Wien
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350108 VO STEOP Modul 3 - Fundamentals of Training Science - Part 2 (2024W)

2.00 ECTS (1.00 SWS), SPL 35 - Sportwissenschaft


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


Language: German



Donnerstag, 09:00-11:45 Uhr
03.10.2024, Hörsaal 1 EG, USZ I
10.10.2024, Hörsaal 1 EG, USZ I
17.10.2024, Hörsaal 1 EG, USZ I
24.10.2024 ,Hörsaal 1 EG, USZ I
31.10.2024, Hörsaal 1 EG, USZ I
07.11.2024, Hörsaal 1 EG, USZ I


Aims, contents and method of the course

V) Speed training- Role and forms of speed- Biological principles- Adaptation processes through speed training- Training methods and load managementVI) Mobility/flexibility training- Role and forms of mobility/flexibility- Biological principles- Adaptation processes through mobility/flexibility training- Training methods and load managementVII) Training of coordinative abilities and technical skills- Role and forms of coordinative abilities and technical skills- Biological principles of technical training- Aims and methods of technical trainingVIII) Physical training at older age- Role of sports/physical activity at older age- Biological changes associated with the aging process- Training recommendationsIX) Training in clinical cohorts- Diseases of the cardiovascular system- Metabolic disorders under particular consideration of diabetes- Selected orthopedic ailments

Assessment and permitted materials

Written exam (MC and open questions) on the joint contents of 350220 VO STEOP Modul 3 - Fundamentals of Training Science - Part 1 and 350221 VO STEOP Modul 3 - Fundamentals of Training Science - Part 2. The use of records or other aids is not permitted.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

The minimum requirement for a positive assessment is 60% of the total points obtainable in the final exam.Grading key:Fail (5): <60%Sufficient (4): 60-70%Satisfactory (3): 71-80%Good (2): 81-90%Very good (1): 91-100%

Examination topics

Contents of lectures 350220 VO STEOP Modul 3 - Fundamentals of Training Science - Part 1 and 350221 VO STEOP Modul 3 - Fundamentals of Training Science - Part 2. Resource materials made available on Moodle

Reading list

Ferrauti, A. (2020). Trainingswissenschaft für die Sportpraxis: Lehrbuch für Studium, Ausbildung und Unterricht im Sport (1. Aufl.). Springer Spektrum.Whyte, G. (2006). The Physiology of Training: Advances in Sport and Exercise Science series (1. Aufl.). Churchill Livingstone.

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Th 25.07.2024 10:46