350165 UE Check games: Didactic Concepts (2015S)
(= LÜV sportspielorientierter BWH: Volleyball)
Continuous assessment of course work
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Mo 09.02.2015 09:00 to Tu 24.02.2015 12:00
- Deregistration possible until Tu 31.03.2015 12:00
max. 25 participants
Language: German
Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N
- Monday 02.03. 08:45 - 10:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 6 Turnsaal EG
- Monday 09.03. 08:45 - 10:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 6 Turnsaal EG
- Monday 16.03. 08:45 - 10:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 6 Turnsaal EG
- Monday 23.03. 08:45 - 10:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 6 Turnsaal EG
- Monday 13.04. 08:45 - 10:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 6 Turnsaal EG
- Monday 20.04. 08:45 - 10:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 6 Turnsaal EG
- Monday 27.04. 08:45 - 10:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 6 Turnsaal EG
- Monday 04.05. 08:45 - 10:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 6 Turnsaal EG
- Monday 11.05. 08:45 - 10:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 6 Turnsaal EG
- Monday 18.05. 08:45 - 10:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 6 Turnsaal EG
- Monday 01.06. 08:45 - 10:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 6 Turnsaal EG
- Monday 08.06. 08:45 - 10:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 6 Turnsaal EG
- Monday 15.06. 08:45 - 10:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 6 Turnsaal EG
- Monday 22.06. 08:45 - 10:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 6 Turnsaal EG
- Monday 29.06. 08:45 - 10:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 6 Turnsaal EG
Aims, contents and method of the course
Games, leading to VolleyballTechnical ElementsIndivdua-l and gruuptacticsBeachvolleyballVolleyball in school
Assessment and permitted materials
Pratical an theoretical examination, Rfelexionprotocoll, Collection of Exercises
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
How to teach volleybllspecific abilities. progressing of basic individual technics and tacticsDevelop demonstrationabilties in central areasBasic regulations and how to use them in school
Examination topics
Theoretical input to practiceDiffernt ways and systems how to teach volleyballPlaning sections of trainingsessions (warm up)Individual- and grouprefelctions
Reading list
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Th 10.09.2020 00:27