Universität Wien

350171 UE Accompanying the Writing of Bachelor thesis (2024W)

Fachgruppen: Biologische Aspekte SPOWI / TW

6.00 ECTS (1.00 SWS), SPL 35 - Sportwissenschaft
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 20 participants
Language: German



Termine: Dienstag, 09:30-11:00 Uhr, 01.10.2024, 08.10.2024 und 15.10.2024
Ort: Hörsaal Dachgeschoß, USZ II


Aims, contents and method of the course

Contact person is Julian Moser, BSc (sport.molbio@univie.ac.at)

- Writing of an exposé for the bachelor thesis
- Preparation of a graphical abstract
- Writing a (systematic) review on a topic from the following list

Topics for the bachelor theses
- All topics can be processed either in German or English (exception: Gustavo Zaccaria Schaun - ONLY English).
- The registration for the topics takes place via Moodle. It is mandatory to register for 3 topics with at least 2 different supervisors. After that, the assigned topics will be announced.

Topics Prof. Csapo:
-) The impact of e-sports on the mental health of adolescents - A scoping review
-) Relationship between motor and mathematical skills of children and adolescents - Can physical education influence math performance?
-) The European fitness map of children and adolescents - Is there a correlation with the amount of physical education in school?
-) Youth elite sports and academic success - A contradiction?

Topics Dr. Schaun
-) Association of exercise participation and school performance in children and adolescents (systematic review)
-) The influence of e-sports practice on the school performance of adolescents (scoping review)
-) Physical education's role in reducing anxiety and depression in adolescents (scoping review)
-) Impact of sports participation on self-esteem in adolescents (scoping review)
-) The effect of active breaks during class on attention span and academic achievement (systematic review)

Topics Prof. Tschan:
-) xxx
-) xxx
-) xxx

Topics Prof. Wessner:
-) Influence of Pharmacological Weight Reduction (e.g., through GLP-1 Agonists) on Muscle Mass in Adults
-) Influence of "Active Breaks" on Activity Levels in a School Setting
-) Influence of "Active Breaks" on Activity Levels in Adults in the Work Context
-) Influence of a Plant-Based Diet on Endurance Performance in Physically Active Adults
-) Influence of a Plant-Based Diet on Strength Performance in Physically Active Adults

Assessment and permitted materials

The entire performance by students for baccalaureate/bachelor's theses of the winter semester must be completed by the following April 30 at the latest, and for baccalaureate/bachelor's theses of the summer semester by the following September 30 at the latest. Students who have not deregistered from the course in question must be evaluated. In case of a negative assessment, a board examination is not permitted and the course must be repeated. Legal source: Statutes of the University of Vienna §10 (4, 5, 6). You are explicitly informed that if you are found to have cheated (e.g.: Copying, plagiarizing, use of unauthorized aids, forgery, ghostwriting, etc.) the entire PI-LV will be considered cheated and will count as examination attempt. (Entry in U:SPACE: X = not assessed).

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Writing of a scientific thesis according to the institute's guidelines. The topic should document the current state of research. Please note that the plugin Turnitin performs a text similarity check (= plagiarism check) when submitting the bachelor thesis via moodle and informs you about the result. A positive completion is only possible after a successful plagiarism check. What is plagiarism? "Plagiarism occurs when texts, contents or ideas are taken over and passed off as one's own. This includes, in particular, the appropriation and use of text passages, theories, hypotheses, findings or data by means of direct, paraphrased or translated adoption without appropriate acknowledgement and citation of the source and the author." [Section 51(2)(31) UG]

Grading scale:
Fail: <60%
Sufficient: 60-70%
Satisfactory: 71-80%
Good: 81-90%
Very good: 91-100%

Examination topics

Items of work:
- Graphical Abstract 10%
- Exercise literature search 10%
- Table of Contents 10%
- Exposé (synopsis) 21%
- Bachelor thesis 49%

For a positive grade ALL items of work have to be completed.

Reading list

Boland. (2017). Doing a systematic review : a student's guide / (2nd edition..). SAGE Publications.
PRISMA Statement (2020). https://prisma-statement.org//
Lecture materials will be made available on Moodle.

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Tu 01.10.2024 05:07