Universität Wien

350231 UE Athletics - Running, Jumping, Throwing 1 (2024S)

2.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 35 - Sportwissenschaft
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 25 participants
Language: German


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

Tutorium: Mo 14-15.30 H2, Donnerstag 14.45-16.15 H2 ACHTUNG erst ab Woche 2: 11.03, die letzte Uni Woche entfällt.

Wednesday 06.03. 07:45 - 09:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 2 Turnsaal EG
ZSU - USZ I, Leichtathletik-Anlage 2
Wednesday 13.03. 07:45 - 09:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 2 Turnsaal EG
ZSU - USZ I, Leichtathletik-Anlage 2
Wednesday 20.03. 07:45 - 09:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 2 Turnsaal EG
ZSU - USZ I, Leichtathletik-Anlage 2
Wednesday 10.04. 07:45 - 09:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 2 Turnsaal EG
ZSU - USZ I, Leichtathletik-Anlage 2
Wednesday 17.04. 07:45 - 09:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 2 Turnsaal EG
ZSU - USZ I, Leichtathletik-Anlage 2
Wednesday 24.04. 07:45 - 09:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 2 Turnsaal EG
ZSU - USZ I, Leichtathletik-Anlage 2
Wednesday 08.05. 07:45 - 09:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 2 Turnsaal EG
ZSU - USZ I, Leichtathletik-Anlage 2
Wednesday 15.05. 07:45 - 09:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 2 Turnsaal EG
ZSU - USZ I, Leichtathletik-Anlage 2
Wednesday 29.05. 07:45 - 09:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 2 Turnsaal EG
ZSU - USZ I, Leichtathletik-Anlage 2
Wednesday 05.06. 07:45 - 09:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 2 Turnsaal EG
ZSU - USZ I, Leichtathletik-Anlage 2
Wednesday 12.06. 07:45 - 09:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 2 Turnsaal EG
ZSU - USZ I, Leichtathletik-Anlage 2
Wednesday 19.06. 07:45 - 09:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 2 Turnsaal EG
ZSU - USZ I, Leichtathletik-Anlage 2
Wednesday 26.06. 07:45 - 09:15 ZSU - USZ I, Halle 2 Turnsaal EG
ZSU - USZ I, Leichtathletik-Anlage 2


Aims, contents and method of the course

Students will:

be able to apply didactic concepts for the planning, implementation, and reflection of athletic techniques suitable for physical education in schools.
be able to plan, implement, and reflect on differentiated game and exercise forms for running, jumping, and throwing adapted to age and skill level.
demonstrate, explain, and instruct basic forms of running technique, jumping technique, and throwing technique.
engage with safety aspects and appropriate organizational forms.
identify errors and their causes in the execution of basic athletic skills and know strategies for error correction.
have experimented with and reflected on learning and training processes as well as concepts of social teaching and learning in selected track and field disciplines.
describe athletic training processes and techniques (in technical language) using literature.
recognize the benefits of digital tools for teaching and critically engage with them.
be able to adapt to unexpected situations (e.g., Covid-19, inadequate sports equipment, lack of outdoor space, large groups, etc.) and respond accordingly.
be able to incorporate pedagogical concerns (diversity, gender reflexivity, inclusion, etc.).
Contents and topics:

Competence development
Age-appropriate exercise/game forms
Basic forms of running technique
Basic forms of jumping technique
Basic forms of throwing technique
Starting blocks, 60m sprint
Throwing/shot put with different implements
Proper warm-up (structure, sequence, content, relevance to competence)
Warm-up games, game forms of track and field disciplines

Lecture-style teaching (example lessons, model lessons)
Theoretical inputs and practical implementation followed by reflection
Team and individual work on topics covered in the course
Expert advice to improve demonstration skills and technical language
Error correction based on pedagogical principles
Use of digital tools (videos, Zoom, etc.) to support teaching
The joy and interest in implementing track and field content in school settings are paramount!

Assessment and permitted materials

Type of Performance Evaluation:

Assessment of demonstration ability in throwing as a video sequence.
Practical performance evaluation of the 60m sprint, demonstration of a correct starting position (Tiefstart), and performance evaluation in shot put.
Demonstration and explanation of the basic forms of running, throwing, and jumping ABCs. (If practical sessions are canceled, submission in video format is required.)
Engaging warm-up activities on a given theme as a teaching presentation and writing a course protocol for the entire session.
Participation or assistance in an athletics event (excluding running events) - e.g., school sports, academic championships, children's competitions, etc. (to be completed by the end of the 2nd LA semester).
All student performance in exam-relevant courses of the winter semester must be completed by April 30 of the following year, and for exam-relevant courses of the summer semester by September 30 of the same year. Students who have not deregistered from the respective course must be assessed. In case of a negative evaluation, a committee exam is not permissible, and the course must be repeated. Legal basis: Statute of the University of Vienna §10 (4, 5, 6).

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Minimum Requirements and Assessment Criteria:

Classroom Attendance: 75% attendance (with excused absences).
Maximum one subtask may receive a negative assessment (=0 points). (However, serious participation and practice are prerequisites.)

Video Sequence and Description (10-20 points, 20%)
Practical Evaluation: 60m sprint and shot put (8-30 points, 30%)
Running, Jumping, and Throwing ABCs Exam (10-20 points, 20%)
Teaching Presentation and Protocol (15-30 points, 30%)
Additional Points (up to 9)
Detailed Breakdown of Subtasks:

Assessment of demonstration ability through a video sequence, including commentary (10-20 points).
Practical evaluation of the 60m sprint (starting machine, hand timing) (12 points) and shot put (12 points), with additional technique points for shot put (6 points) (total 8-30 points).
Demonstration and explanation of basic forms of running, jumping, and throwing ABCs (10-20 points).
Conducting engaging warm-up activities with a partner (approx. 20 minutes) on a specific theme of the session, along with writing a course protocol (0-25 points).
Participation or assistance in an athletics event (excluding running events), earning extra points for attendance and active participation (up to 6 points).
Grading Scale:

100-90 points
89-80 points
79-70 points
69-60 points
<60 points

Examination topics

• All information and teaching content discussed, debated, instructed, and demonstrated in the course.
• The content of all teaching sequences/protocols prepared by the students.
• Teaching materials/literature (see the following subpoint for details).

Reading list

• Bader, Chounard, et al. (2004). Leichtathletik in der Schule. Wien: ÖLVDLV. (2010).
• Baumberger, J. (2018). Kompetenzorientierter Sportunterricht. Aachen: Meyer und Meyer.
• DLV. (2008). Kinder-Leichtathletik. Münster: Philippka.
• Jugendleichtathletik. (2008). Münster: Philippka Sportverlag; various editions (Sprint/Jump/Throw/Basics).
• Katzenbogner, Medler. (1993). Spielleichtathletik. Teil 1: Laufen und Werfen; Teil 2: Springen und Wettkämpfen. Aachen: Meyer & Meyer.
• Simon S. & Kramer R. (2004). Leichtathletik: Technikvariationstraining beim Laufen. in Praxisideen. Schriftenreihe für Bewegung, Spiel und Sport. Schorndorf: Verlag Karl Hoffmann.
• Mann, R. (2011). The Mechanics of Sprinting and Hurdling. USA: Mann.
• Schnur, Schwameder. (2014). Praxisorientierte Biomechanik im Sportunterricht – Vom Tun zum Verstehen. Schorndorf.
• Schöllhorn W. (2003). Eine Sprint- und Laufschule für alle Sportarten. Aachen: Meyer und Meyer.
• Schülerleichtathletik. Münster: Philippka Sportverlag.
• Voss, Witt, Werthner. (2007). Herausforderung Schnelligkeitstraining. Aachen: Meyer & Meyer.
• Zeitschrift: Leichtathletiktraining. DLV-Fachzeitschrift für Trainer, Übungsleiter und Sportlehrer. Münster: Philippka Sportverlag.

Internet Sources:
• EAA-Seite (Europäischer Leichtathletik Verband): http://www.european-athletics.org/
• IAAF-Seite (Internationaler Leichtathletik Verband): http://www.iaaf.org/
• ÖLV-Seite (Österreichischer Leichtathletik Verband): http://www.oelv.at
• Schulsport: http://schulsportinfo.at/

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Th 16.05.2024 10:07