Universität Wien

400005 FK EU Policies, Europeanisation in the Member States, and Transnational Problems in Europe (2024S)

Research Colloquium

Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 15 participants
Language: English



Start: Wednesday 6.3. 2024, 9h:45 – 18h:15 (further dates will probably be 22.5. und 19.6., inbetween individual or group coaching sessions - - all to be discussed on the first day). To facilitate participation for working students and allow for maximal flexibility, the seminar will feature blocks and hybrid elements. Please get in contact if your topic fits but you have organisational problems. Meetings will take place in the beautiful seminar room of the Centre for European Integration Research, Apostelgasse 23, 1030 Vienna (near U3 stop Kardinal-Nagl-Platz).


Aims, contents and method of the course

This research colloquium welcomes all doctoral candidates working on "European" or EU topics, in a very broad sense. This includes e.g. politics and policies of the European Union and other international organisations (such as e.g. the Council of Europe), problems cutting across states, and comparative studies of member state(s) institutions or policies.
As with all research colloquia, key elements are the presentation of the individual research projects, debates with the peer group, and feedback. This seminar offers input and help regarding your research design, i.e. how to optimize research questions and combine them with relevant theories, methods and operationalisation. Further issues shall be practical aspects of organising your study, time management, how to present your preliminary and final findings, and latest publications in the field. Getting to know colleagues working on related issues will support your work and teamwork will be promoted where desired and adequate. Your motivation can be increased and your progress accelerated by attending this seminar and the additional networking it provides.
The seminar will offer a space for in-depth exchange regarding all questions possibly coming up at the PhD drafting stage, technical ones as much as psychological and other issues.

Assessment and permitted materials

Presentations of your project, feedback for your colleagues, and regular participation are key to this course. Each session requires preparation and reflection to maximise your benefit.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

55% count your own presentations and progress, 45% your other contributions to the class. You need to submit all deliverables to be eligible for grading. As always, plagiarism software may be used and the standards techniques of good academic practice need to be respected in full.

Examination topics

(Examination-immanent class)

Reading list

To be shared in class.
Recommended Journals in the field:
Journal of Common Market Studies,
Journal of European Public Policy;

Association in the course directory

Last modified: We 21.02.2024 10:07